Another precious sunny day in Bergen. Can you say LUCKY? I can.
heavy cream smashed berries. That's it. Strawberry ice cream. dessert last night.
If you come to Bergen don't be fooled by the fatter Belgian strawberries that are less expensive. Get the little Norwegian berries. When you smash them with a fork juice squirts out.
Eaten around midnight in the land of the midnight sun.
official bedtime between 2-3 am.
I close the darkening blinds in my room and sack out. Rising again at 10:30 or so.
My perfect natural schedule. It's 2 pm today and I'm still piddling around drinking coffee and blogging. But really it's more like 11 am so I'm fine with getting a late start. You might not want to vacation with me if you are more task oriented. But if slow travel is your thing you'll do fine. Nowhere to be today except wherever the wind blows me.
Tomorrow a fresh report of new discoveries!
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Love that sky!
You’re on my perfect natural schedule too! And I could totally get used to that purple and orange sky all the time. And..gasp…the little bunting flags! Don’t tell me your home away from home came equipped with them, did it?? Oh I’d just melt into a puddle. Well, already there. Time to get a mop.
Hey, I would say go for the Belgian strawberries… Super sweet and super good. All things from Belgium are good… I know, because I AM a Belgian too…. Give me our strawberries any day! You are lucking out with the weather!
I’d prefer midnight sun to a hot holiday anytime. You are lucky and I’m enjoying that.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any more romantic…you bring on the food. Oh swoon. Bliss indeed.
That time frame is exactly my style. My husband, however, is bear if he doesn’t eat by 7:30 (He’d prefer 6 to 6:30 but he knows better than to wake me at that time.)
Enjoy your time away.
I am so enjoying all your posts and feel as though I am right there with you. A sky blue quilt with red stitches, please take a picture and post if you can.
What could be luckier than traveling, in strawberry season, to the land of the midnight sun?
Thank you for taking me along. I promise not to wake you, if I wake up earlier than you do. I’ll sit with my ipad and check my email, and fingerpaint the roofs and the sea………………..