On every trip there comes a time, a day, an hour, an EXACT moment… When I fall in love with a place. One minute it is good. The next, I go through a love tunnel and come out the other side in a rapturous state, and it is no longer just good, it is BLISS. Today was that day. The sun shone down on Bergen and all of her lovely inhabitants. The sky beamed with light and cast shadows against the wooden doorways, ledges, flower boxes, and roofs. I walked out of my wee house and headed east, off in a new direction.
I was just going to take a right and head down the hill when I noticed a green space a block over. There was a fence around it. Hmmmmm… Tall trees waved their glistening leaves at me. A breeze twirled through my hair. I looked down the hill. I looked over to the wilds of tree covered slopes. I paused. The world stood still. the street was empty. I thought about the boat I was trying to catch. Without a watch I wasn’t sure if I’d get there by 3:30. I decided to head towards the trees. As I got closer I saw a little lake surrounded by stone. It looked like a giant swimming pool. When I reached the fence I noticed a small gate leading onto the grounds. In I went. There was a cat sitting on a green bench. We chatted awhile. 2 couples in bathing suits were sunning themselves and splashing their feet in the water. A school of baby koi or giant goldfish swam by with their little heads turned up, their mouths opening and closing. Saying hello. I think one of them winked at me.
I strolled around the lake and noticed an entire network of paths leading further up into the forest.
Then it happened. That moment I told you about. The moment I fell in love. I turned a corner and the view was so glorious! A sea of sapphire blue and a village of wooden houses tumbling into it.
oh oh oh oh
I picked my way down narrow cobbled paths. Each time I rounded a corner another stunning vista of roof, sea, and sky.
And a lady washing her windows under a dome of blue.
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Uh, that comment only makes sense if you read Kasey Buick’s blog.
I love my life here in Long Beach, I do, I really really do, but I think Norway may be my Kauai.
I don’t know whose trips I enjoy more – mine or yours.
I want to see inside that tall house by the lake, it looks amazing!
oh. oh. oh. that was pure bliss. thanks for letting us share this with you.
Love for a place is just wonderful. I wonder if that’s how we feel the real connection with other people. Our souls touch their collective soul.
Wondering how hard it is to sleep in the 24 daylight…
Just wonderful! I too can understand the instant love affair!
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I can now get through my work day. I will be dreaming of early retirement like you but the joy of traveling this adventure with you will get me through (until your next post). Thank you for taking us all with you!
Just beautiful , nothing more to say than thank you. Love looking through your eyes. You show me beauty….yes bliss.
Aw thanks everyone for your enthusiastic welcoming of my Norway posts. It is such great fun to wake up and read each morn while drinking my kaffe!
Im off down the hill in a few…headed to boat dock to climb aboard and go sailing down a fjord. Will come home bursting with news and images.
I can only imagine how delicious the sheer FREEDOM of this week in Norway must be. To get up when you want, eat when you want, visit what you want, when you want…etc. etc. Like the others, I thank you for bringing me along on your travels and eagerly look forward to the double posts when Carol joins you! Take lots of deep breaths, and savor every moment!
Thanks for doing all the leg work and securing fodder. Absolutely lovely. How different from LA or most any part of So Cal. Those iron balconies really are da bomb. If we are sailing tomorrow, bring fresh ginger, so good for a sea sick rabbit. What is really amazing is how fast vegetation grows when it has almost 24 hours of sunlight. Just magic.
That yellow house with the purple flowers calls my name so loud it hurts my ears.
I so love traveling with you to far away places. Looking at the world through your eyes is aways a sheer delight.
Thank you for taking me on yet another new journey.
I raced home from work…I knocked animals and teenage type people out of my way to get to the computer….So much anticipation….You did not disappoint!! What an amazing place-thank you for sharing it with me!!
Thanks for taking me with you. THe pictures are great. I see that my knees couldn’t take the hills, so I am glad you are showing me the world thru your eyes.
I agree, the views are stunning and just reading what you write makes me feel as if somehow I am magically there walking with you.
I have always wanted to go to Bergen, my German teacher in high school was from there, and she showed us pictures of fjords, and I was in love. This post is an exact description of how I want to travel. Thanks for showing the way!
Can’t wait for the boat adventure!
Such joy expressed here! And who could blame you with that gorgeous sky, blue horizon and colorful houses on streets to explore? What a wonderful journey you’re sharing with us – thanks!
I got chills up my spine just reading and looking at the photos. I feel most profoundly moved. I’ve had this vision of Norway for many years, stoked by the Norway pavilion at Epcot (at Disney), but wasn’t sure if it was really that perfect. Now I see it is. Thank you for showing me.
Yes, I know that feeling. It’s a glorious connection to “place” and you are no longer just a tourist.
The pictures you are sharing are wonderful with the blue of the sea, and the green of the trees.
The light in the northern part of the world is different somehow, clearer yet softer, and changing through the course of the long days. I think I am going to enjoy your trip almost as much as you!
Wow, the views are stunning and I can understand the instant love affair. YES!!!!!!!