This is a true story.
I climbed aboard the white lady. Got my blanket from the stack and headed to the upper deck outside. Riding indoors is for sissies. I snuggled up and settled in for the 4 hour trip.
I was in entranced by all the blue water and the smell of the sea.
The white lady only holds about 50 passengers. Nice and small. Cozy.
after an hour I went downstairs to poke around and found a narrow outer deck so close to the water! And beyond that a super narrow deck with railing I squeezed through like a sausage. And found my way to the very front of the boat!
Holy shite it was awesome! And nobody was there! And I sat on a stack of chairs against the front of the boat and had a view that left me breathless and wind blown and cold and v.v. happy. And truly awed. Awestruck.
More people came to the front. I let them because by this time I was spying on the old white haired captain.
Who was spying on unknown things on shore.
I stayed here for a very long time. Then the fjord narrowed. The wind stopped. The sun shown. We shivering fools were all grinning and letting the sunlight warm us. So good.
sigh. If you come to Bergen go on one of these little fjord excursions on a little boat. You won't be one bit sorry. I was charmed and delighted from start to finish.
So much so that I took this pic in the bathroom. I'm waving to you from Norway.
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You are the best tour guide ever!
What a great picture of you there waving!
So I said to my husband, “You really need to see these photos that Mary Ann Moss is taking of her trip. If the Pacific Northwest was in Europe, and so it had cobblestones and little quaint colorful cottages…and instead of inhabited by coffee fiends, it was instead inhabited by faeries and trolls? Yeah. That’s what it looks like.” (and I love, love, love the PacNW with a passion. Just so’s you know.)
*Waving* Hubby, friends and I went on a similar fjord excursion in Alaska. Magical.
I LOVE travelling with you! It’s like reading a good book, waking up to a new chapter every morning, can’t wait to see what you get up to next! M
I saw you, spraddling the railings, arms outstretched and yelling “I’m Journal Meister of the World!” That’s what the captain was focusing his attention on. Then you went below decks to use the head and practice your waving before you took the self portrait. Bit of a royal wave you have going there. So fun to be a pocket companion. But, what have we eaten today? Not complaining, just bunnies need lots of nourishment. And, I heard you mumbling some Norweigen that sounded like “Nick-vat Journin volk succkret.” Does that mean we are going to a Norwegian Pastry Shop?
Thank you, thank you for this great trip, and most of all for sharing it with me. I know others share it too, but you have that great ability to make it seem like it’s really for me. That’s how it feels and that’s how I am enjoying it. I can’t tell you how much I LOVE opening your blog and seeing a new post and photos. Thank you again!
jacki long
A wave from Canada! I am loving this boat ride. Usually I get pretty sea sick but I’m not feeling a trace this time ’round!
I’m so enjoying the trip. Even felt the chill and the sun on the boat ride. Love the idea of quiet time to art, cook and jump naked into the water and dry off on the lovely blue quilt with red stitches. oh my……….waving hello back at cha.
I hope you know we will need to take a ride on the blue lady when I come. (that’s the white lady’s second cousin)
I’m waving back from Florida & very very jealous!!
Love the photos, especially the bathroom selfy. Hugs to you on your journey!!
Briana G.
Such a grand adventure you are having…waving back and snuggling deep, deep into your pockets…my hidey hole for the trip…as always thanks for reporting from the very best places and giving us a front row view.
What fun were having. I love your descriptions , it’s like being with you. Happy day, my soul is singing with you
Another wave-back from overhere! Thank you for bringing such a lot of fresh moving air and Beauty Galore to me, too. I’m charmed and delighted too. xxxj
and i’m waving back! loving this trip!
Look at your happy, beautiful face! I’m loving the fjords, the cool weather, the crisp, clean look of everything Norway. What a trip! (((((hug)))))
Nice seeing you in the post and the photos are awesome. What a wonderful place you have come upon.
Greetings Moss Cottage, I’m sitting here waving back at yah,Sounds like your having a wonderful day, you should open up a travel shop and teach us how to enjoy our travels:-) Have a wonderful day,Linda
Dear Mary Anne, thanks so much for taking me along on your Norway trip. I just had a two week vacation and had to start work again yesterday and am now vicariously living through you and that’s a good life. I love all the pics and all your experiences and how you fall in love with every place you go. So…keep those posts coming please!