yeah, we pretty much all want to come over and hang out with you and make pretty things……esp. if you are going to make drinks for us all….
Shar Ulmsays
Let’s see…superior interior, smart art, and an altered ledger book. Looks good to me!
Joan Clarkesays
Everything looks good enough to eat! Love the labels, in fact, I covet them. Where did you find them? You have yourself a very cozy little place. I’ll be over soon to join you for a Margarhita…put on some Jimmy Buffet music, will ya’?
pam knutsonsays
Can it possibly be true that you are painting and collaging over those wonderful ledger papers??? I want them. I’ll send you something else to color over – honest!!
Pam (in Mpls)
heartbeat, I meant heartbeat. Freudian slip? Probably fat fingers.
I would trade you places in a heartbeast. I am sitting amid textbooks and notes trying to listen to my inner Jiminy Cricket and do the right thing and study, but I cannot.
Looks like my real life Jiminy (mum) is going to make me listen. G.G.
Violet Cadburrysays
Do you really drink your margaritas at home with little straws? Or is that a commercial-grade IV drip line? Yes, yes, yes, I am a label lover and can’t wait to see what you have designed. I am trying to get back into my art but my creative hole is all plugged up. Any tried and true remedies you can suggest?
Amy in Texassays
That looks like a great place to be. Do you know if they take reservations?
Me thirsty too! I can’t decide if I want to drink my glass curled up with those pillows and read all those books on your shelves, or sit on one of those lovely vintage chairs (that I will be looking for at an outdoor flea market this weekend, to go with a table I bought a few weeks ago for a mere $1.00) in that sunny room in the other. And I am seriously coveting those labels, where is the pre-order button??! 🙂
catherine! you noticed! i thought i was being sly. that is the project ive been working on. hand painted labels. im going to offer them as a digital file for printing. dirt cheap. very soon!
glad you likey:-))
Mary Ann,
The lovely red and blue labels, do you remember where you found them? Sooooo pretty, would luv to get some for myself.
Once again I so enjoyed a peek into your world.
yeah, we pretty much all want to come over and hang out with you and make pretty things……esp. if you are going to make drinks for us all….
Let’s see…superior interior, smart art, and an altered ledger book. Looks good to me!
Everything looks good enough to eat! Love the labels, in fact, I covet them. Where did you find them? You have yourself a very cozy little place. I’ll be over soon to join you for a Margarhita…put on some Jimmy Buffet music, will ya’?
Can it possibly be true that you are painting and collaging over those wonderful ledger papers??? I want them. I’ll send you something else to color over – honest!!
Pam (in Mpls)
heartbeat, I meant heartbeat. Freudian slip? Probably fat fingers.
I would trade you places in a heartbeast. I am sitting amid textbooks and notes trying to listen to my inner Jiminy Cricket and do the right thing and study, but I cannot.
Looks like my real life Jiminy (mum) is going to make me listen. G.G.
Do you really drink your margaritas at home with little straws? Or is that a commercial-grade IV drip line? Yes, yes, yes, I am a label lover and can’t wait to see what you have designed. I am trying to get back into my art but my creative hole is all plugged up. Any tried and true remedies you can suggest?
That looks like a great place to be. Do you know if they take reservations?
Here that knock at your door…. I want to be there too!!
I love those labels. Have you made them yourself?
Me thirsty too! I can’t decide if I want to drink my glass curled up with those pillows and read all those books on your shelves, or sit on one of those lovely vintage chairs (that I will be looking for at an outdoor flea market this weekend, to go with a table I bought a few weeks ago for a mere $1.00) in that sunny room in the other. And I am seriously coveting those labels, where is the pre-order button??! 🙂
catherine! you noticed! i thought i was being sly. that is the project ive been working on. hand painted labels. im going to offer them as a digital file for printing. dirt cheap. very soon!
glad you likey:-))
and where does one purchase tickets to join you there? 😉
Mary Ann,
The lovely red and blue labels, do you remember where you found them? Sooooo pretty, would luv to get some for myself.
Once again I so enjoyed a peek into your world.
yeah you are!
I’ve strapped on my wings and will be there soon….make that sorta soon…but I’m flapping as fast as I can…;)
Ooh, I want one of those limey green drinks!!
Oh I want to live near Moss Cottage and drop by for drinks :))
I’ll have one of those drinks please and a whole bunch of those yummy cclors!
Moss Cottage is so pretty!
Am I the only one to SOOOO enjoy seeing “accidental” interiors where real people live? Can’t get enough of those shots…
Love your quiet little home!
Make me another drink! Your a pretty lil’ gurl…
I want to be there too! 😉