i ♥ liquid sunshine!
and pink flowers…
and painting shapes in an old ledger…
i'm cutting up the vintage paris poster…
from where i sit…
i spy a napping spot for later…
i enjoy every single comment. yes i do!
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
This message was supposed to be for the Full Tilt group but I must have goofed:
I have been away for a week and although incognito I still read your blog and was wonderin’ what you were up to! Can’t wait to see what you are working on and I have no doubt it will be wonderful and inspirational. Bless your little (big) pea-pickin’ heart. So love the photos of your outdoor studio – just yum, I say! Can almost smell the blooms!
You crack me up and I enjoy so much travelling with you and sitting with you (virtually) on your cozy porch sipping away at something and putzing around with papers. And thanks also to Violet Cadbury and her hot air balloon, Cirque du Soleil art retreat.
Several times a week I visit your wonderful blog for a little taste of the sweetness of life–and I am never disappointed, whether it is a new type of margarita, a blossoming night-blooming cactus, yummy journal pages, tranquile scenes of your back patio. Your blog is so nourishing! It “fills up my senses as John Denver so famously said, and reminds me that every single moment, hour, and day has the potential to be FUN!! Thank you so much, Miss (Fabulous) Moss!
XOXO Ellen Specht
Need a break from reality, badly. That margarita looks AMAZING…
Would like to visit with you soon….maybe this week sometime?
Among the many, many things I’ve learned from you (directly via your classes, or indirectly, from just hanging out with you virtually via your blog), is how important it is to just take your time and enjoy the process of beautifying your journal. For many years, I felt like I wasn’t really being very successful if I wasn’t cranking out pages and ‘getting things done.’ So i felt a lot like I wasn’t very successful. It’s hard when you’ve really only got the weekends to do your art. But I noticed something. You never seem to be a race to finish your journals – you just tinker and take the time to embellish. And you enjoy every bit of sweetness that you put into your pages. And that’s one of your magic tools, I think. You just give every page full abandon, and you enjoy the process and the journey. Maybe THAT’s what that quote is all about, you know, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” Anyway, ever since I quit worrying about “PPH” (pages per hour), I’ve been a lot happier. And, I took up the watercolors and the sketching and I do them on my lunchbreak. Art every day! Even at work. Love you! But you know that… (BTW, I’m a huge Violet Cadburry fan, she cracks me up!)
Your garden-patio is lovely and it must be heavenly to work there in the sunshine! It’s transformation was amazing…and now that I think about it, your journals record your own transformation each day. pink & yellow plus orange equals a day of joy!
Love, love, love that song. Enjoyed the quotes presented in the pretty bubbles. And your napping spot looks just perfect. Hope you had a good one.
OMG! My ditty posted in a cartoon balloon! How special. I’d love to sit with you on the patio of Moss Cottage and enjoy all the lovely flowers. Cat Stevens song is one of my all time favorites.
I’d also like to join Erin in Morro Bay, Cambria…some of the most beautiful coastline in the world, along with LaJolla, CA in the neck of the woods where I grew up…yep, I’m an old beach baby…now I live in the high intermountain west.
Thank you, Dominico for loving me and my Friday idea…how sweet!
What a treat to read such a happy posting and the equally uplifting comments here. Thanks all. (big smile)
Augh! Messed up Violets’ quote with her comment. While she did make me laugh, I absolutely love the idea of a hot air balloon flight ending with some Cirque du Soleil, and would love an art journal the size of a ping pong table. I have no idea where the Loire Valley is, but it sounds perfect.
Love Joan Clarke and her wonderful idea. Love Karen and her honesty, and the fact that she didn’t just have one child (big smile). Love Violet Cadburry and her last name, and the visual of her “wrenching” the top off of paint (chuckle), but that Domenico kid sounds pretty thick.
Major love for the ledger, and the patio with all the wonderful details.
Finally, my name up in a cartoon blurb! And they said it would never happen. Loving your chillin Saturday. I decided to take the cure and unplug the creative hole by wrenching the top off a paint tube and making my left hand force my right hand to pick up a brush and dip into the color and make a mark. God, why is that so hard sometimes? You seem to be totally in tune with your Mark Maker…hmmm, so do tell, what greases your creative mania?
I could live quite happily on the patio at Moss Cottage–it’s everything I could want a patio to be with beautiful plants/flowers and a place to nap/read!! I just doesn’t get any better than that, in my opinion!! You are a very lucky woman!! I love what you are doing w/Photoshop…someday when I have the time I am going to get into digital. Work just takes too much out of me right now. I think I’ll pop over and wish Carol a belated Happy Birthday now!!
I’m gonna go full tilt boogie on over to your house with my art journal. We can share the shade on your patio while enjoying the surrounding efforts of your green thumb. Yeah, baby. Cat Stevens will serenade us on the stereo and we’ll drink pink lemonade. (or wine). Mmmmnnnnnn!
“Morning Has Broken” was my wedding song in l972! About comparison: I know an artist with amazing talent who can draw anything in addition to teaching art. But I don’t compare myself to her anymore because I don’t want self-doubt to rob me of the joy I get from being creative my way.
I love that Cat Stevens song so much that I want it played at my memorial service. Have been painting hearts in watercolors for my brother who is in the hospital due to heart problems and then I go out in the yard and weed for a while. I love sitting on back porch and painting. Take care.
Basking here in coastal fog at the Cambria Library – your LA sunshine looks very inviting! My weekend starts tomorrow and I can’t wait – the studio is calling.
Erin in Morro Bay