my last day of adventure brought me to alamo square and the lovely painted ladies.
they’re sweet, but i like these girls even better on the other side of the park. who doesn’t want to live in a candy colored house?!
and such deep pine & eucalyptus trees. small pockets of wildness to get lost inside in the middle of the city.
i sat and watched this canine version of buck moss for awhile.
different park. different doggies.
i sat on a bench and laughed out loud at their clown-like chasing games.
lafayette park in pacific heights has views that leave you breathless.
you can see alcatraz from here!
i sat on a bench under a stand of fragrant trees and stared out at all that BLUE.
read a book. did more staring & thinking – deep & shallow thoughts.
i decided that in 10 years i’m going to move to san francisco.
become a dog walker. open a pink launderette.
move into a corner apartment with sweeping views of the bay. across the street from a park of course.
my heart’s kind of set on this one.
but this one has it’s own set of charms.
maybe i’ll get a bike. san francisco has a surprising number of bike riders!
or at least get really good at motoring up hills. my arse will become like a couple of steel love buns from noe valley bakery.
i’ll join a crochet circle that meets in a different park every week.
take chinese lessons.
get a dog.
find a friend with a sailboat.
stuff like that.
I love how you vision the future woman! And I want to get to know Domenico who sounds like the perfect renter.
lovely to wander along and dream with you – thanks a bunch. SF is beautiful – and happy dogs!!!! Philippa xx
Divine Photos! Thanks for the trip!
What a lovely dream, and, dreams do come true, doncha know?
I have seen those views and painted ladies in person and loved seeing them again. And thank you for sharing your dreams with us.
I never visit a city in America and say, “Ima movin here” but I rarely visit a city in Mexico that I DON’T say that. I got in trouble last trip I took down there. When Ev greeted me expectantly and sweetly at the Albuquerque airport and whispered in my ear “good to see ya”; I sniffled, “I didn’t want to come home.” Oops.
San Fran is on my list. I just need to squeeze it in between Oaxaca and San Miguel.
I literally just returned from a slide show of what my teenage son is going to experience on his school trip to CA including San Fran, Alcatraz, hiking in the desert AND across the Golden Gate. It will be his first time on a plane. And he is the kind of person who will appreciate every sight, sound, taste, scent. Quite Moss-like. Your photos completed my dreamy evening. Thanks!
Oh what a joy you are Mary Ann Moss!
Just little, precious bundles of joy that you share with us.
It is good to be you, and for us to watch!
Thank you! jacki
In ten years I’ll be 26. May I have first dibs on Moss Cottage? I doubt you’ll sell, but I would be a stellar renter. Just a thought. I do not plan on being wild, or cavalier (adj.), more of the noun variety.
the first time i visited SF i made the same decision
the second time i felt the same
the third time, i almost said forget my real life! SF is my life
the fourth time… i had tears… i can’t wait to visit again
i think that’s where i belong
bless your heart
and yes dogs have funny ways of melting bohemian gypsy hearts
any heart!
they are marvelous companions
always ready to make you feel light and wonderful
hugs soul imaginary friend
So much fun to read about your travels to such fun places. You seem to find such beautiful places. Have you ever tried Portland Oregon? We’ve got lots of outdoor activities: the beach and the mountains. Bet you would have a memorable time.
Everybody needs to have a dream, yes? My son lives in the Mission. I live in Hawaii so I haven’t been to see him yet at the current location. He used to live in the Sunset, near Golden Gate Park. Wonderful places to walk to from that house.
Aloha, Kate
As soon as I saw that photo, I thought “that dog looks like Buck!”, then I read your caption! 🙂 Great photos, love the painted ladies (humming Elton John song now, “sweet painted ladies…”). I think we should all move to SF in 10 years time and start that journaling crochet club that meets in different parks with our doggies, sign me up!
Oh if I could just win that damned lottery! I’d join you…if you’d have me. What a wonderful plan Mary Ann.
I want to be at your side….walking, strolling, taking a massive amount of photos, sitting, relaxing, taking in the AMAZING views whilst sipping something delightful and refreshing. OMG Woman!!!!! I’d be happy spending a week or two romping around SF but if you relocate yourself someday….expect to find me camped out on your front door step one fine day…I’ll promise to bring libations and plenty of yummies to keep us both well fed for weeks. Scouts honor!!!!!!! We won’t gain a pound, no chance, all those hills, walking in SF should be considered an Olympic sport for gosh sakes. VBG!!!!!
Love your dreams, all of them. Here is wishing you get to do all or at least chose the ones you want, then I will come and visit and we can make books by the bay, oh yes. Enjoy
Your 10-year plan sounds like a winner. Love the painted ladies. 🙂
Never knew they were called the “painted ladies” but I’ve always loved that view. What a dream to live there! Thanks for the wonderful tour.
Yes, please move to San Francisco. It is a fabulous place to live. You would love it! Fun to see my city through your eyes – oh the things we take for granted!
Sounds like a very good plan! It’s so “odd” to look at someone else’s blog and be familiar with everyone of those places you photographed. Like a peek into my previous life.
sometimes the guy who owns the blue “Painted Lady” walks around near the park and offers tours of his home for around $15. Just one of those fun, quirky SF things! Glad your having fun up here – and glad the weather has been so wonderful (but I think maybe you and Buck brought that with you!)
Aren’t those painted ladies the place where the Bob Sackett sit com was filmed? He was a widowed dad with John Stamos as Uncle Jessee and he had 3 girls…it’s where the Olsen twins made their debut. At any rate, I recall seeing this line of houses on tv and in films. Possibly in Mrs. Doubtfire?
LOVE your photographs. Keep sharing!!
I love traveling with you, Mary Ann! Thanks for taking us along on your adventures!
I think if I lived near a pink launderette I’d do my laundry there instead of at home. Lots of time for art journaling while things spin dry 🙂
Thanks for the little peek into your trip. I long to travel, but until then, I’m peeking at yours 🙂
I love your iPad treats but I have to say you are just SO good with that real camera!!
San Fran has been my sweetheart since I was 14 on a family trip….Thanks for the beauty.
It’s good to have goals gurl!
San Francisco is a city of dreams. It and Bergen are my all time favorite places.
Lovely to see my hometown through your eyes Mary Ann! Thanks!
A pink launderette huh? What a happy little thought that is – how could anyone ever be unhappy in a pink launderette??? We say “laundromat” here which is nowhere near as charming, and I am certain there has not been a pink one in decades… you have painted a pretty picture…
And in ten years, when you move to SF, can I come visit? I’ll bring you jars of homemade chutney, more crochet thread in unexpected colors and maybe a bottle (or two) of Red Mountain red.
Love the photos, just love your “eye.” I learn so much from studying your photos.