i'll be heading out on a scouting expedition a week ahead of the other moss sister. she has less time off than i do.
this will be my hidey hole until she arrives. then we're off to a different town.
this wee house is perched on a hill. from the looks of it a steep hill. i better lay off the maple bacon donuts between now and then.
there are 2 french balconys in this little house. i can't wait to stargaze.
of course it rains A LOT here. constantly. i think i'll get one of those clear raincoat jumper things, a big dome umbrella, and some red & white striped rubber boots. what say you?
just walk out in the rain. it’s norway!
I think you should write a Traveling for Dummies book.
Holy hidey hole! I can’t believe all the talk about rain gear. Mary Ann, you’ve gotta quit joking!
my husband’s helicopter instructor was from Norway…but that’s all i know 🙂
from experience in seattle (where it rains alot) find a coat w/a hood so you don’t have to carry an umbrella
makes things MUCH easier!
um. is it too late to mention i was KIDDING about the rain outfit? awwwww you knew that. DIDNT you? no? okay well i was. 100% jokery. i am not a patterned rainboot kind of gal. and i dont own a clear plastic jumper. okay well i DO, but its not for the rain.
I don’t think it rains there like it does in LA. It is probably more like Seattle rain, which means you would do fine with a hip length jacket with a hood, and your choice of footwear depending on how important foot comfort is. Cute rain boots on cobbles wouldn’t be my favorite. Hood is not as cute as an umbrella, but umbrellas are a pain if you are taking photos or doing something else requiring use of your hands, unless of course you have one that attaches directly to your head. Which I sincerely hope you do not.
what I say is
you are living the life! you and your sis
happy to vicariously travel at your side…again
Well, seems you should be wearing a bunad for formal occasions and wearing lots of silver to protect yourself from the huldrefolk and fortifing yourself with Akevit at every opportunity. Skoal!
Two thumbs way up for the hidey hole and the raincoat/umbrella/boots outfit. Do it. 😀
What a great new adventure with your sister you will have!! I think the rain gear is a great idea and hope to see lots of pics, esp of you and your sister having a blast! 🙂
I’m so excited!!!!
You need the yellow stuff… and chocolate wellies. As a Belgian I do have my own pair of chocolate wellies, with the little chocolates wrapped in different candy papers. It’s a must.
From what I heard from people who have been to Norway the Fjords are majestic and not too miss… It will be a fab trip…
I’ll be joining you, just so you know, hiding in your pocket. I say go for the nifty rain gear. Me too. VBG.
Ok, the rain thing gave it away. I spent a lot of time here over three years and I remember being blessed by sunshine. It may have had a lot to do with loving this place. Depending on your hill, you’ll walk, take the steps or maybe you’ll have the “Floibanen,” on your hill, a cable car that goes up and down one of the 7 hills/mountains.
I loved walking along the harbor and the fish market. Nothing liked getting fresh shrimp right off the boat when they dock.
Second destination: By train? By train and bus or by train, bus and ferry? Or hydrofoil all the way?
wow, looks awesome. I can’t wait to see your journals from this trip!
Oh sigh, where do you come up with these amazing apartments? I’m so jealous. Both the places look absolutely lovely.
Both abodes look fab!! I think you should consider becoming a travel guide and really taking some of your devout followers on awesome adventures…adventures that include art, perhaps!! Maybe 1 time a year or 2 years–I’m betting you could rake in some serious bucks and have a blast at the same time!! Sounds like I’m describing an international art retreat…hmm…mayhaps the next step for MAM??? I would save my pennies like crazy for a chance at that kind of fun and I’ll bet I’m not alone there!! Sorry–it’s the middle of the night here and I must be dreaming…
Off on another adventure, and definitely, you must dress the part. I’m sending my red rain slicker with a hood to go with your boots. Your place looks so inviting. xodonna
awesome!! sounds like fun!!
lovely place! a photo of you in your rain gear is a must please.
it looks such a pretty place!
Cool place!! Outfit: Depends on whether you want to travel incognito or not? 🙂
I have a million questions…..but my first one is, how do you find these wonderful hideouts? They are all incredible,,, what kind of journal will you make for this adventure?
I want a picture of you in your boots and umbrella…too cute! Love your little ole hidey hole. Hopefully in June it won’t be too cold there…but Europe in any weather is pure fun!
Good idea. Plan ahead. Red & white stripes=excellent choice!
I think you will look smashing whatever your outfit is and don’t forget to sing the appropriate song as you are strolling down the sidewalks….Just singing in the rain……..lalalalala……….
I think you’d best google what the Norwegians wear in the rain. 🙂
Looks lovely and you really need those rainboots. If your feet are going a-walking you got to look funky. What fun, so happy were going on another trip.
Sounds like a cute getup — we will require a picture of course 🙂
I like the rainwear idea. Very chic. Where in Norway is that little hidey-hole? If you get to the west coast, near Haugesund, try visiting Skudeneshavn. It’s a really charming little village and one I really enjoyed seeing. Of course, all of Norway is charming and worth seeing! Wherever you go, you’ll love the scenery and all the tidy houses. Neatest (in the sense of orderly and tidy) country I have ever visited!