there is an inverse relationship between my enthusiasm for playing WORDS WITH FRIENDS and my skill at said game.
if you are one of the unfortunate scrabble playing souls who has gotten stuck in a game with me.
i’m. sorry.
i know it’s like playing with a 6 year old.
a kind friend who is 200 points ahead of me told me i just need practice. then she asked me what letters i had and suggested some moves.
instagram i just can’t quit you. i’m stuck. it’s your own fault for making the crappity crappiest crap photos look way less crappy. which is why i’m taking the pics with my tiny fuji point & shoot.
the embroidery above are budapest flea market finds.
thank you for the birthday wishes. and for coming here and visiting. and caring about my latest creative hijinx. you’re nice, i like you.
i’m working on my 49 things list. taking my time. here are my 48 things from last year. i’m not a natural list maker, but this one is sort of fun to do. there are plenty of things i didn’t do, but i’ll still use my giant mental eraser to clear it all away. start fresh with a gleaming surface for my 49th year. a white slate of possibility.
if i can just stop playing bad scrabble long enough…and making instagram photos.
So sorry I missed sending a timely b’day greeting…hope it was grand. Tulips in Janurary? What decadence! Just listened to Nora Ephron’s audiobook “I Remember Nothing” in which she describes her battle with Scrabble Blitz addiction. You’d like it (the book). My personal recommendation is to change your list item “Fly in a helicopter or small plane” to “fly in a glider”…yippee! Prolly the most simultaneously thrilling and frightening thing I’ve ever done, as well as one of the most memorable. We flew at Warner Springs in SoCal. Plus, if you’ve never been to Julian it would prolly qualify as your small town in the middle of nowhere. I loved going to see the desert in bloom, then climb up to Mount Carmel and Julian.
Hey Mary Ann, just started a Words wtih Friends game with you. I’m Babsarella58. I usually get whipped by my daughter, but finally beat her on our last game. We are neck and neck now. Looking forward to playing with you.
Mary Ann….I have that cup and love drinking Chai tea with it. I purchased it at Anthropology. I love, love, love it.
Mary Ann ~ I WANT that cup.
I don’t know if you follow Nina Bagley, but you might look in her Etsy shop today. She has a “traveling is not for babies” pendant that might be made for you…
When you get to be my age you don’t want to make such long lists…Happy belated birthday…What ? no pix from the visit with sister?
Just love all the embroidery from Hungary. it always seems there is a sort of “hands across the ocean” connection to the Mayas and the embroidery of mexico.
Happy Birthday Mary Ann…I just started following you on instagram ;} My handle is the same as always…rlphilbr13
I’ve not loaded any photos as yet…still playing with my iphone. All of the photos that I’ve seen in the past with instagram were all old and faded looking so I wasn’t at all insterested…but after reading your post and seeing how clear your photos are…I thought I’d give it a whirl and come up in the world ;} Have a fantastic day sweetie, fondly, Roberta
ps…and remember…I’ll always be older than you!
Happy Belated Birthday Mary Ann….sorry this is so late. I won’t forget it from hereon in though because your sister related it was on Elvis’ birthday. I seem to be slowing down a little and forget some things once in a while now that I am approaching a big 66 in Feb…, am I that old….oh well. One thing on my bucket list would be to meet you some day even if it was for a few minutes. Thanks for your wonderful classes, yahoo groups and kindness from last year.
May I borrow your creativity instead?
Like playing with a 6 year old…ya I feel your pain. The only games I win are those I play with people who are in their teens. lol Love the game though. HOpe you had an awesome birthday. I’m loving your Remains of the Day journal class. Working on my second journal!
Happy Birthday!
I think I should make a bucket list……….
1) eat a picnic lunch beside the Seine………………..
2) sketch on my ipad, after picnic lunch beside the Seine…….
I – love – Instagram – too! Thank you for offering your button – I just availed myself of it! Also love your lists and your linens.
Happy belated Birthday to you! I LOVE the way you interspersed your game/list/instagram talk with those beautiful embroidery photos. A charming style.
Love your embroidery finds. I’ve always admired those birthday lists – can’t wait to see yours. Tried to do one this year — too many numbers now for me … can’t think of that many things I an craving to do – however, perhaps it was just an unimaginative day for me. Good luck with your word games … Donna
I personally am enjoying our game of scrabble.
My birthday is Saturday (1/14) and I’ll be 57. I think I’ll do a 57 Things list – thanks for the inspiration, Mary Ann. I see you didn’t get to Chicago for the hot dog. My offer to treat you to a genuine Chi-town dawg still stands. For real. Also, I’d love to play words with friends with you; if you’re interested, I’m lauregirl. I’d like to say that practice helps but if that were the case, I’d be having 700 point games. Oh well, it’s still fun.
What a great idea. Parts of me are turning 52 on Feb. 6 so I am going to put together a list for them, and also a list for the parts of me that are still 29 and holding. If you want a camping pardner, let me know. That is one of the things I do several times a year and have all the stuff, however, I do not believe in roughing it; have to have the tent the size of a modest condominium, the air mattresses, sheets and pillows, and gourmet grub. That said, my uniform is sloppy t-shirts and grimy socks, no showers or makeup allowed, just baby wipes to swipe off the surface dirt, and plenty of art supplies and reading material.