I’m packed and ready to hightail it to Mexico BEFORE the crack of dawn tomorrow. Cat nanny is on duty. Giant Buck is stowed safely in my heart ready for a new adventure. Make lots of videos of your kit kat. When they go off to that great cow pasture in the sky you’ll be glad you have their sweetness captured and available whenever you need a dose.
If you cringe to hear people talking in animal voices to their meowsers you will want to skip this video. just sayin’!!!
Okay my verizon team get ready for take off! I’m headed to Mexico tomorrow and you’re coming with! I’ll be blogging via my iPad.
What a sweet buckaroo. Can’t wait for Mexico, thanks for taking me along!
Sorry, I’m a bit late to wish you a fine holiday (we’ve been away ourselves, just got back). Keep safe. I know you’ll keep warm – if Mexico is sunny at present.
Dear little ole Buck, the best. Good advice, to make those souvenirs soon. Ours is 11.
On the Road Again…me and Willie wish you a safe trip and wait to be contacted from down Mexico way.
Of course I watched the video of Buck Moss! And then promptly took a picture of my old Sherman (nicknames Bear, Cubbly, Shermie, Man-cat, Chuck, Bear-cat, and lately, Old Man because he’s 17 yrs old). I’m intending to carry him across the stage with me when I graduate with my doctoral degree because he has so patiently held down books and papers for me so they don’t fly away. You never know when a breeze might blow through our living room. Have fun in Mexico. When I grow up I wanna be you!
Looking forward to seeing Sunshine in my Reader!
Happy Beauty-Full Travels wishes to you.
Happy trails to youuuuu sweet Mary Ann and giant Buck! So happy we will keep up with you via I-Pad – much better than smoke signals. Feel funny not being cat nanny this time – miss that crafty Corky and willy Wyatt.
Have a glorious trip! I look forward to the photos and words you share.
can’t wait to hear all about your antics on the road! I’m with Domenico, love the paper cut and paste, but have really been enjoying the ipad as well! I think there is room for both!
Have a great trip. I can’t wait to read your posts from Mexico.
Yea! I just signed up for ROD. Cant wait to get started and see what every one has done. Have a safe wonderful trip. enjoy your ipad!!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss ………
OK, here’s the thing. Get to know the captain real quick. I know you have your ways. When you fly over SMA, get him to tip his wing. I just love that! Have a great trip … I’m along for the ride. Donna
Oh, I miss Buck! 🙁
Such a sweet video, reminds me to take some pics this weekend of my cat posse. Don’t think Buck was buying the hat trick though. I dressed up my rotund cat as a pumpkin this Halloween and she knew we were laughing at her. They know. Sending out positive vibes for your travels, can’t wait to see your adventures. Feliz Navidad.
now listen here domenico surfing book reading genius. how could i EVER block you? no way possible that is how! do not fret that cute head of yours one bit about old school cut and paste. it will ALWAYS be my favorite too. but my ipad will be muy fantastico for blogging & playing on the quick. on the go. do you copy?
We are so lucky to be along for Your wonderful trip to Mexico! Thank you for sharing so generously with us, Mary Ann!
Have a wonderful trip — I’ll be along with you. Can’t wait to see Mexico through your eyes! xox
Wow, he sure was a beauty. Funny how the name Buck fits him so perfectly.
Please don’t block me, but I gotta say I love your paper, old school style, journal pages the best. I am glad you are having fun with your Ipad, but please don’t leave forget about cut n paste.
I hope you have the best trip ever. Happy holidays and wishing you the best year ever in 2012. Thanks for everything.
ahhhhh sweet video…the hat made me smile…………he like lounging on the pack of papers too. Have a good trip!!