i'm swatting ideas back and forth inside my head about the kind of travel journal i want to make for san cristobal. i'm thinking something different. something painted ahead of time with big blank spaces left to write. something that's sturdy of course. in case i get chased by bandits on the highway between tuxtla gutierrez and san cristobal. you know…and it gets crushed. while i'm kneeling on the backseat trying to shoot out the bad guys tires. from the shot-out back windshield of the cab.
enough of my made-for-tv movie plot, i have bigger fish to fry with you. for instance this line from STATE OF WONDER that made me go ha ha ha for quite a long time earlier this evening.
if you don't have a policy against nonsense you can wind up with a dozen timid little rabbits lined up in the hall outside your office, all waiting to whisper the same imbecilic question in your ear.
you mean… this wasn’t a true story?
subscriptions feeds rss feedburner. oyvey!!! maybe i did not screw everything up after all. well that is good news. i think.
I agree with Violet…the new journal idea definitely sounds like a potential class! Your travel journals are fantastic. As well as making the actual travel journal, I would love some instruction on filling them…the writing, the collecting, the sticking, the doodling, all the good stuff that you do so well! My first ROD journal remains ashamedly empty, desperate to be crammed full of goodness the way yours are! So looking forward to your next one…
Your sense of humor is so like mine, I love it, keep on. Love the quote and your page, oh yeah, makes my soul sing and that’s a good thing. enjoy Off tomorrow with 8 grandkids with thier parents for Disney World, now that is fun.
I quite enjoy all the nonsense, it makes reality seem that much more surreal. Nothing more boring than policy makers — unless your policy is not to have a policy. There was a really nasty literary figure whose policy was “off with their heads!” See, it is a a slippery slope. I suggest going native and using some old tequila crates and serapes to make your journal. And, yes, you will need to take precautions. Better bring lots of cash, it is better than bullets, bring a stack of one dollar bills sandwiched between twenty dollar bills no more than an inch thick — just thought this up, let me know if it works. Or, get a dark spray on San Tropez tan (ever see Ab Fab?) and you will be incognito. Can’t wait to see what your little grey cells come up with for your journal, could lead to another class??????
You will see Buck again some day when it’s your turn to meet him on the other side of the Rainbow bridge. (Not for a very long time, I hope) I have to believe this is true or what’s the point of loving an animal friend so deeply only to have them disappear from our lives forever!? After losing my beloved Sam a few years ago, he finally led me to my new dog, Honey. I may not be able to hug him but he is always in my heart (and Honey gets the hugs and pets and love of her own!!) Sorry–getting a little sappy here…..
I must acquire a policy regarding no nonsense. I must. Although a dozen little rabbits might not be so bad…
Love the images, can’t wait for the trip!! I hope I’ll be safe in your pocket during any potential shoot- outs.
I always thought you made the journal in advance and just added more on the return. That road is now well traveled. On my first visit to southern Mexico, in the 60s there was no roads, just donkeys that made the trip across the mountains from San Christobel and you had to stay at the home of an anthropologist.
Thank you for starting my day off with a chuckle. Also…I see that you are still missing sweet Buck. I still miss several of my special cats from over the years. They really do crawl inside your heart and take up residence. Looking forward to what you create next!!!
‘a policy against nonsense’… love it… think I might have to write my own…:)
Can’t wait to see the new journal. Your work is always to visual interesting, so much to look at and enjoy. Read State of Wonder this past summer and have been on an Ann Patchett kick since then. She’s a brilliant writer.
ooohhhhhh can’t wait to see whatever kind of journal you will dream up…I just know it will be something pretty dang, darn amazing and impressive as all get out and as far as bandito’s and other nasties,snarling and thinking they will be able to bamboozle you, I feel sorry for them, little do they know you are protected by a very large and smarter than average cat, who can swipe them off the map just by stretching out one lazy paw, Buck could do that with his eyes closed…he’s always on the look out for ya so they will just have to say good bye to their back-sides on their way to nowhere, mean while you will be basking in the sun and sipping a tall frosty one; giggling at their silly pranks.
hmmmmm, love it when thought begins to incubate, mind begins to whirrrrr, and unexpected creative change is the result. Can’t wait to see. Donna
Well – in the case of bandits you definitely need a sturdy cover – like an old book cover you take apart and re-bind. That way it can be put in a bag and swung at the bandits. It sure beats traveling with a frying pan.
I made a book with some of the pages as ziploc bags for my bambinos before we went to Tahoe. They liked it and collected bolts, rocks, pine needles, and all that good stuff. I have been thinking of making some with my students – if you are interested I’ll make an extra and send it to you. We won’t make them until Dec. though – is that soon enough – or you can look at my blog, I am pretty sure I posted some pics in the summer.
Mary-Ann, I just finished State of Wonder yesterday, what a rich, deep and exciting novel! Enjoy, Danielle
?Donde estas san Cristobal? South America?
hahaha. love that quote. sounds like our congress right now. no side is right and all are wrong. have a good rest of the week and look forward to seeing what journal comes out of all that pondering.