my dearest sweetest buck moss
official name buckshot le fonque
named after branford marsalis’ jazz ensemble project
born on the 4th of july 1995
i called him cookie or bucky or budsy plus about 10 others
crazy names we come up with for the ones we love
he died today.
killed by 2 pitbulls on the loose in the neighborhood.
i was the unfortunate witness.
carried him in the house. where he died a few minutes later in my arms.
he bit me out of fear when i picked him up after the attack
my thumb
got me pretty good.
i’m all medicated and bandaged. on the mend.
sadly, my friend buck moss has left the building.
headed off to parts unknown
i’ll miss him
i try not to think about the last 5 minutes of his life
those awful images seared into my brain.
animals doing what animals do. following their instincts. not their faults, but their ignorant owners.
instead i’m remembering my sweet bucky boy.
bestest cat in the universe
staunch defender of moss cottage.
you honor him
so so sorry
Mary Ann, my deepest sympathy for your loss of Buck. I am certain that he lived a most wonderous and happy life with you! I’ve always enjoyed seeing him in your pictures. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos and stories of your very special Buckey Boy. His personality shines bright. Perhaps you’ll do an art journal of him some day!!!
Apologies for adding my message of comfort so late – we were out of town with no internet connection. I am so sorry for your sad loss.
Wishing you well, Lorraine
This is a horrible story, I am truly sorry for your loss.
It’s simply not understandable how people can be so irresponsible and let such dangerous dogs run around freely and without a muzzle.
I used to live in your neighborhood. There were pit bulls that terrorized – I used to plan what I would do if one came close to my dog, my cats, my daughter. The horror of those fears are no match for what you witnessed. I am here thanks to Square Peg Karen – she wrote about you and Buck today. Sending you love as you adjust to life without his sweet presence.
I’m weeks behind so I was reading your blog from newest to oldest – so I knew before I got to this post that your dear Bucky was gone. When I got to the part of the pitbulls my eyes literally shot out tears. What a horrific ending! I hope that with all of the dear sweet photos you have of him, you will be able to slowly replace the horror with Joy. Sending my love.
Well I literally let out a gasp that sent my husband running to see what was wrong. So very sorry. That is just horrendous.
i don’t know you, probably wouldn’t recognize you on the street but i stumbled upon your blog about a year ago and have been visiting it loyally ever since. I enjoy your humorous view of life and share your passion for paper arts and cat children. I was just devastated to read this post. From someone you may never meet, up north, my condolences to you. I am sorry for what you have endured. Peace to you.
OMGoodness. I am back from my vacation and catching up on your blog and I am just devastated for you. My heart is crying for you right now with a only bit of solace knowing that you are on a new adventure in Hungary. I am so sorry for your loss. Buck will be remembered by all of us as your faithful companion and defender of Moss Cottage. Big hugs to you Ms Mary Ann…
My heart is so sad. No one should have to experience such a horrific event. Hugs to you.
My heart goes out to you!! It is so hard to lose a pet, and especially that horrible way. I’m so sorry for your loss!
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Buck.
Oh Mary Ann, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m (and so many others) are sad, right along with you. Sending big hugs your way sweet lady. xoxo
So sorry to hear what happened to Buck, and for your loss. Much love and care to you Mary Ann!
Mary Ann, I’m so sorry for your loss – what an unexpected event! Pitbulls can be really dangerous – my sister-in-law and her dog were attacked by one just a few months ago and they suffered greatly. Just be consoled that you have happy memories of him. I read what you’re planning to do with his ashes. I think it’s a wonderful idea!
Mary Ann- I am so sorry for your loss. I am crying for you and precious Buck -I can’t help it. Loss is a difficult thing to navigate. Remember all the furry fun you shared with him
Love and hugs to you,
Mary Ann, I just read the post about losing Buck. I am so sorry that it happened the way it did.
It’s heartbreaking. Peace be with you Mary Ann. You loved him dearly.
My heart is filled with sadness at this news. I am so sorry.
this made me cry… i’m so so sorry for your loss…
So so sorry to read this about your beloved friend. I was all set up to think he was getting on in years and it was his time to go, etc, etc, and then shocked, nay, in tears to read how he was mauled by neighborhood dogs. My heart goes out to you. Can’t even begin to think how horrible it was for him–and for you–to have to go through that. Wishing you all the best,especially in these upcoming days. Mary Ann.
My heart grieves for your loss. I don’t have words. (((((hugs)))))
Mary Ann,
I’m so sorry for your loss. Know that I’m sending you all my love and my prays.
just reading this.
so sorry.
buck was one lucky feline
having you
as you were lucky
having him.
I am so sorry for your loss, and that you had to witness such an awful ending. You were there for his final moments, that was something to him. I know how you feel, I had that somewhat same experience this morning, my neighbor call to tell me our Tutis was in thier front yard and a fox had gotten him last night. He was the same as Buck, a hunter from the start and not a house cat, but he was out doing as he wished hunting and roaming, he live a great 11 years with us that we will cherish; as I know you will also, my heart goes out to you and your posse.
Take care and give hugs to the posse.
I’m so sad to hear about your loss. Our animals are like our babies. Take care of yourself.
Mary Ann – I am so sorry to hear this. As a cat mom, I know how hard the loss is and did lose a cat many years ago to a dog attack. Thank God you were able to bless each other while Buck was here. Eventually, the sadness will be replaced by the happy and loving memories.
What a wonderful cat! I heard about your loss a few days ago and felt terrible to hear such news. It was so sweet to see his photos and hear some of his stories. What an amazing story about when he went missing. Sounds like you both gave so much to each other, how truly special. Rest in peace Buck, you handsome cat!
So sorry for your loss. You’re in my thoughts. Hugs from Montana.
So sad to hear this Mary Ann… how horrible….you can see that you had such a wonderful cat and wonderful times with him..hoping those memories will help you through this difficult time…my sweet dog was bit by a neighbors dog and died 2 weeks after the bite…that to was horrible, makes me sick how people can’t control their pets and the nice innocent pets that we love and take such good care of have to be the ones that suffer….I couldn’t stand not having a dog and had to get another one, she can never replace our Chloe but we love her so much too! Hoping you can find the strength to get through this….sending prayers your way…..xoxo
Mary Ann, I’m SO very sorry. I don’t know what else to say, except that I know how much the members of our cat “posses” mean to us. Buck had a wonderful life with you.
So many beautiful memories you must have, not mention the photos! Buck had a great life.
I am so sorry to hear about about Buck Moss! Reading about him and the love you have for him just made me sit here and cry! I lost both my fur babies in January in a house fire and I miss them and think of them were every day! My thoughts and prayers are with you on the lose of your sweet companion!
I am so sorry. How awful. It is so hard to lose them, even when they are old and ailing and we have to help them go. I can’t imagine how terrible to lose one in such a horrible shocking way. Sending much sympathy.
Mary Ann,
Buck Moss was lucky to have a Mommy like you. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am in tears and heartbroken for you and your precious Buck. I pray that you will think of only the good times. May your heart be healed. God Bless!
I am so sad for your loss, Mary Ann. My heart goes out to you and your cat posse.
So sorry for your loss. May you be blessed with the most precious of memories always, and the evaporation from memory the tragedy of his passing.
Dear Mary Ann
I am so sorry
Dear Mary Ann,
I wish I had a secret recipy to ease your pain of losing Buck in such a traumatic way. I fall for him though reading your blog and now tears wash my face as I try to find words that will bring you a bit of reconfort. I know and feel your sadness as I am myself the proud mum of 4 cats and have lost one in the past…I send you lost of strengh and may you find quickly a way to just remenber the wonderful cat he was. Lot of hugs from Sweden. Sabrina
Oh, Mary Ann – I am so sorry to hear about this. Words are never enough and I am always afraid of saying the wrong thing, but here goes…
I recently heard this at a memorial service I attended “cherish your memories, they will out last the pain that you feel today”
You are in my thoughts, honey!!
OH, Cat…your catnip cottage in the sky must be great indeed. Such a loved kitty…a great studio mate, we’ve all enjoyed you over the years. I just hope, wherever you are, that there are neutered, muzzled pit bulls serving you…bringing you bowls of tuna and flogging themselves with dried cocklebur plants for your amusement. Much love to you, Mary Ann.
Mary Ann, I wrote yesterday but I’m still thinking of you today. You’ve given us so much joy and now I wish you could give us your pain so we could take away the heartache of this senseless tragedy. I know Buck would want that for you.
I’m so sorry. Sending prayers for you from Nebraska.
I wish I had even one word that could heal your pain. I am hurting for you, for your loss, for the awfulness of it all. I’m speechless. ((((you)))) hugs.
I want to cry for you and for him. It is very generous of you not to blame the dogs so much as their owners. A big hug.
I am so sorry MAM. Big hugs…
wiping tears as I type I wanted to say I am sorry for your loss and sorry that you had to witness it.
what a terrible way to go. I’m very sorry and very sad, I know how much the loss of a cat can hurt. My thoughts are with you.
I’m SO sorry Mary Ann. Our pets are our children. Hugs to you.
I’ve made a prayer flag for you and Buck.
Beloved Buck. A tragic loss.
My heart aches for you Mary Ann.
All this love to you that I see fills my heart.
All that we can know about those we have loved and lost is that they would wish us to remember them with a more intensified realization of their reality. What is essential does not die but clarifies. The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.
Thornton Wilder
i’m so sorry to hear this,i am sending love your way.
Oh poor poor thing! And poor you! So sorry you had to see this. I have to say, I’m impressed that you can find it in your heart not blame the dogs, so many people would blame them instead of the owners… Take care!
I am so sorry Mary Ann. We love our furry babies so much that it just breaks our hearts when they pass away. I am so sorry that you had to see that happen to your Bucky Boy. But I am so thankful that you were there with him. I know that he felt your love for him as he scampered to other places. This is one that only Father Time can help. love you MA . xo
Sorry for your loss….
Such a cliche. I am sorry. It is a sorrowful even to loose a loved member of the family in such a violent way. I will hold you and Buck in my consciousness. xxDonna
I am heartbroken for you…and outraged. I know your sorrow must be as deep as the love you had for him.
What shocking terrible news! My arms reach out, across the miles, to hold & comfort you. I’m so very sorry for your doubly cruel trauma & loss. Despite the non cat person that I am, I too, will miss the great Buckster. I’m so glad I met him. Thank you for his photos & all the reports of his wonderful antics over the past few years. I have thoroughly enjoyed them.
I hope there is someone to keep you company tonight – to make you hot tea, tuck a blanket around you in front of the fire & gently care for your thumb.
We, your friends & fans, are all thinking of you and sending love. xo,s
Dear Mary Ann, I’m sorry you lost Buck. Know your loss is deeply and sadly felt.
Oh NOOOOOO! I’m so sorry to read this terrible news…that beautiful boy. Oh these cats, they break our hearts don’t they? Feeling the loss of your beloved Buck Moss. I’m so sorry you had to witness the attack and his leaving…big hugs ((((((((M.A.))))))))) to you and the rest of the posse. Wish I could be there to hug you in person. Sooooo sad.
May the loving, happy memories take over the last. My heart goes out to you. God bless.
I join all these others in feeling so sad.
A long time ago I lost a cat in the same way.
It’s very hard.
hugs over the internet, Janice
I am so very sad to hear of your loss. Buck is so much like my cat, Dickens, and I could tell by your stories of him, that he has a mighty heart. May love surround both of you and keep you close through this tragic parting. I am praying for you both tonight.
I am so very sorry to hear of this terrible incident. Sending big hugs your way.
So very, very sorry.
I´m so very sorry to hear about your loss Mary Ann.
It hurts so much to lose a beloved pet. Although I can’t imagine what you are going through after seeing Buck die like that, I hope that someday the awful memories will fade, and be crowded out by all the wonderful memories of your time together.
Dear Mary Ann,
I’m so sorry this happened. So very sad. And heartbreaking for you. You are in my and all the FTB class members thoughts.
Mary Ann, I read your post through tears. Please know I’m sending prayers your way…he will be missed. *hugs*
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Buck. I too lost my sweet little Clozzy a few months back. You will always remember the great joy he brought to your life. My prayers are with you.
Ahhh…so darn sorry Mary Ann…so wish I could do more than just sending you lots of hugs and appreciate for your loss. Really it just sucks and only time will make his loss tolerable. xoxox Roberta
I am so sorry for your loss Mary Ann. Buck had so much personality and it was a pleasure to watch him on your videos and get updates on his actvities on your blog. I know you will miss him so much, and that you are glad to have so many happy memories of his time with you. My thoughts are with you.
your beautiful cat. I send love and love to him and you. so sorry!
So sorry Mary Ann, for your loss.
Rest in peace Buck Moss. You meant so much to MA and therefore to all of us.
Mary Ann,
I am sorry to hear about Buck and am so sad for your loss of this most precious member of your family. I loved the way you shared him with many of us here online and he was such a spirit in his adventures with you. I wish you peace and know that you are in my thoughts..sending gentle peaceful vibes your way during this very difficult day.
peace & namaste
denita purser
My heart is breaking for you, Mary Ann. I think Buck is with all our cats who have gone to their next lives. They’re eating tuna in oil, and french fries, and sitting on the table, and licking the butter, and fishing for stewed chicken in the crockpot. They are sneaking out the bathroom window with a piece of ham, and eating it on the roof, while they survey the town. They miss us, but they are having a pretty good time anyhow. We are the sad ones.
Horrific end to such a sweet life. I wept thinking about the huge hole you now have in your heart. My girls, Coco & Fifi, held a moment of silence today for their fallen feline comrade.
I’m a lurker (via Google Reader), so you don’t know me, but your kitty’s story and pictures really touched me. I’m so sorry for your loss; he was a beautiful, beautiful boy.
oh, i am so sorry! my heart just breaks for you and your dear buck. i know there are no magic words (how i wish there were!) but i hope all these kind thoughts bring you some peace.
I am so sorry for the loss of your kitty, Mary Ann. It is so hard losing a pet who is really a family member. hugs.
Mary Ann, what a terrible shock. My heart goes out to you and poor little Buck. Hugs to you and the rest of the cat posse.
i heard today from a friend about your recent loss. I am so sorry and sad.
Words cannot express how sorry I feel. Crying. Horrible. Peace to Bucky. Peace to you.
Oh….Mary Ann. My heart goes out to you and the rest of the posse. So sorry to hear of your loss.
Oh, Mary Ann. I am so very sorry.
So sorry. I will never forget his appearances in your videos – made me laugh while taking your class. Thank you for sharing him with us, we all appreciate him.
Mary Ann,
I don’t see my earlier comment and I wanted to be sure you got my message — words are pretty meaningless right now but I cried too and I am so sorry for your loss and sadness. RIP Buck Moss – you were well-loved. And take good care, Mary Ann.
Oh poor Buck. Very sorry Mary Ann
OMG. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I’ve experienced a mauling of one of mine, there are no words for the awfulness. Buck is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. The reason I know there is a God is because all animals go to heaven and will be waiting for us. I’m sending all my love and hugs to you from Texas.
Love, Elizabeth
Oh goodness, this is such a traumatic story with such a devastating ending.
I am sooo sorry for your loss Mary Ann.
My heart goes out to you during this painful time.
Sending love and healing thoughts to you and the rest of your cat posse.
oh dear, what can one say at a time like this? except i’m so very sorry to hear of buck’s untimely departure from his life at moss cottage…and i hope he’s in a wonderful new feline world full of things to chase and places to rest in the sun. 🙁 big hugs and thoughts going out to you, mary ann!
i am so so sorry, my heart breaks for you
I’m so sad for you…..and myself too for some odd reason. I’m going to go pet my 19 year old cat Tangerina Angelina Seraphina etc….and Frankie and Mali too. They’ll understand.
Your post brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you and so sorry that this happened to your sweet Buck Moss. I’m sending my heart felt condolences. Sincerely, Barbara
Oh, i’m so sorry, don’t know what to say, i’m crying, sorry.
My heart is broken for both of you for his last five minutes – but I know he had a good life at the Moss Cottage.
I will shed my own tears and say my own prayers for sweet Buck and wish him well on his journey.
Love to you and the rest of your babies.
I have no words for something this horrendous, except sorry.
I was absolutely shocked this morning to read the awful news, and I am so very deeply sorry for yours and the other members of Buck’s family’s loss. Truly he had the most wonderful and caring mama, and so many friends far and near through our getting to know him too. Senseless tragedy is perhaps the hardest of all to accept and I just wish that we could all do something to make it not hurt so much, and to bring him back. Know that there are many prayers and many hands holding yours across this big world today. You have become our dear friend through your generosity of spirit, sharing your cats and your life. I love you all there at Moss Cottage and send you big hugs.
I’m so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a brave little guy- fighting to the end. You’re in my thoughts. I hope you can find comfort during this trying time.
Oh, Mary Ann, I am so sorry.
cannot begin to imagine this trauma, my heart breaks for you. I am so so sorry for your loss. xoxo Mary
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” (Kahlil Gibran). I can see that Buck Moss was truly one of your delights.
I am sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty Buck. He will be missed.
It seems so many of us have had animal companions we’ve been fortunate to love, and can understand your feelings.
What a terrible thing to have to go through and I’m so sorry for the lose of your kitty Mary Ann. I lost my best buddy, a golden named Woody, about 7 years ago and I still miss him so much. Here’s to all of our beloved pets that have brought so much to our lives. xoxo.
I am so sorry.
Mary Ann,
My heartfelt sorrow goes out to you in this difficult time. How dreadful to have to lose your beloved friend to such carelessness and violence. As a devoted “craft monkey” of all your online classes, I strangely feel that I know you and I certainly think you’re one of the most amazing, funny, creative and caring people in this urban wasteland. My thoughts are with you.
Oh Mary Ann, how my heart aches for you. We lost one of our cats a few months ago, and I console myself each day with the knowledge that we gave him a wonderful life, just like you did for Buck. He will be greatly missed by us all.
Mary Ann,
So, so so sorry to hear this-as a responsible pit owner, it breaks my heart to hear of your cat being attacked by pit’s that weren’t
taken care of properly~and you and your cat suffered for it. Horrible for you both-i’m glad he was at least in your arms when he went.
sorry is never enough but know many good thoughts are being sent your way.
What a tragic ending. How awful for you. So sorry this happened.
I am in tears. How heartbreaking. I’ve loved seeing Buck Moss and maybe you’ll post some classic Buck photos from time to time. I’m thinking of you and your sweet gang. Hang in there.
Please don’t think of the bad moments, just the happy life he had, being loved by you. I found it very helpful and I wish you cherish him in your heart and let the pain go soon…
I am so sorry for your loss. My pets are my favorite children and I know you will miss him greatly. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry, Mary Ann. My thoughts are with you. Hugs from Mary Dean in Richmond, VA.
My heart goes out to you. What a terrible event and a terrible thing to have to experience. I wish for you peace and a way to process the trauma. And, in my belief system, Buck’s spirit is being purified and he’s on his way to his next adventure. I wish him the best of luck.
So very, very sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you and Buck Moss. I am a little late in seeing this but want to add my voice to all the others and tell you how sorry I am that this happened. Words really can’t do much but my heart is sad for you and I am sending you a big hug. Buck Moss was obviously well-loved and that counts for a whole lot. xoxo
oh Mary Ann….what a tragic story. I’m so sincerely sorry. I know you gave him the best, loving home and hope you can find comfort in knowing that. aghhhh…I hate stuff like this! Hang in there, xo
Oh MaryAnn I am so sorry. Big hugs to you.
Dear Mary Ann,
I am so sorry about Buck. Losing a much loved pet is so hard. My thoughts are with you.
My heart goes out to you, Mary Ann.
Oh, Mary Ann, I’m just now reading this terrible news. I’m crying for you and the loss of your lovely boy. The loss of our beloved pets is difficult enough without the trauma of such a dreadful event. My heart aches for you. Truly, if I was near you, I would sit with you and hold you and listen to all the wonderful stories I know you could tell me about your Buck. Having lost a dear animal companion whose violent death I didn’t witness, but which I’ve played over in my imagination, I would tell you you must try to dispel those images from your mind. When they arise, quickly think of a good memory of your boy. I’ll be praying for you.
Horrific…I am so sad for you. Big hugs, Beth
I am so very sorry to hear of this news. We were all so fortunate to see his bright and sweet face in your postings over the years. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Sending you healing energy and prayers. xoxoxo
Oh MaryAnn, my heart aches for you and your sweet kitty. Thanks for sharing this with us and letting us know what happend to Buck. Enjoy the memories and take care of yourself as you heal from this tragic loss.
omg…..I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for your loss of such a beautiful sweet kitty…….ahhhhhhh, so awful …..are you atleast going to report these dogs running LOOSE….I mean it could have been YOU……………why don´t owners take responsibility for their wild running dogs for god sakes!!!!! My deepest thoughts are with you and with Buck….may he rest in peace forever……..poor sweet thing. My cats send their deepest condolences too……………take care……………
Oh, Mary Ann , so sad and tragic…for you and buck…love your outlook…really incredible the way you are handling this. And I hope the owners may some changesbwith their dogs.
On first reading, yesterday, of Buck’s destruction, I could not find words to share. Today, I’m thinking that he is just too indominable a spirit to vanish so easily. When you hear his special meow, or find a dead beastie on your doorstep, or find your current art project in disarray… assured, it is not your imagination. Buck Moss lives, too real to be just a memory.
Oh Mary Ann! I am so so sorry to read this. My heart is breaking for you right now. Please accept my sincere sympathy. He will be missed so much! Hugs.
The unfairness and injustice of life presents itself by taking your cat in an awful way. Grieve your boy for as long as it takes. He was lucky to have you for a momma.
That is horrible. I am a first time cat owner and I have developed such a strong bond with my 2 new cats. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet who is like a family member so tragicly 🙁 I am so sorry. I hope the owners of the pit bulls at least apologized to you for their irresponsibility. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁 he was a very beautiful cat.
You have my sincere condolences for your tragic loss. He was a beautiful kitty, for sure!
I don’t even have the words to tell you how sorry I am Mary Ann.
Oh Mary Ann, my heart aches for you. I so enjoyed meeting Buck in your online classes. He was very lucky to have shared a life with you and die in the comfort of your arms. The heavens will shine brighter tonight with dear Buck amongst the stars. I am thinking of you.
Oh Mary Ann…along with everyone else, I am so sad and sorry for your loss. Loosing a loved pet is heartbreaking. Love to you as you work your way through it.
I am so sorry. no words. only love.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and condolences from Kansas City.
My heart goes out to you Mary Ann and to Corky and Wyatt too, you will all be missing Buck so much. What a terribly shocking and traumatic thing to have happen, I’m so sorry you both had to experience something so horrible. I too am in tears at the thought of his passing, feeling your pain and remembering how it has felt to lose my own beloved fur babies in the past, it leaves a hole in your heart every time. I am so glad you were able to be with him at the end, although sorry he bit you in his pain and confusion. We all feel so connected to you and your furry family (and Mama and Sister Moss too!) through your pictures and stories, I will miss hearing of his adventures. Thank you for having the courage to sharing this news with us at a time when you must be feeling very sad and upset. Sending you much love and support at this oh so difficult time.
Oh dear God in heaven, Mary Ann, HOW HORRIBLE!!! How awful. A nightmare! You poor darling! I can’t imagine the trauma of that horrible experience. How awful how awful. I can’t stop saying these things over and over. Here this sweet beautiful boy, so loved, so cared for, should be attacked so violently is unbearable to think of let alone to have had you see it happen. I can’t even imagine such a horror. And then to have him be so traumatized as to harm you. It’s too much. I can’t take it. I can’t take it.
I’m so sorry.
The only good I can say is that you know for certain what happened rather than always wondering? And that you have managed to accept the event as part of life’s nature.
To that I can only praise, hug, and acknowledge you.
I am so very sorry for you. It was always fun to see his disturbing your handiwork.
this brought tears to my eyes. so, so sorry and sending my condolences to you on the loss of a member of your family!!
Virtual hugs,
Oh my heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a tragedy.
So sorry, he will be missed
Erin in Morro Bay
I am so sorry to hear about your dear, sweet kitty, Mary Ann. Sending more big hugs to you and Buck’s kitty siblings. xoxo
Mary Ann, I am stunned and I am so sorry. Buck was sooo lucky to be a part of your colorful life and to be so loved. I hurt for you and everyone at Moss Cottage. Tears just aren’t enough right now . . . sending BIG hugs and prayers for Buck’s first day in kitty heaven!
Mary Ann, I am so sorry. I know he wasn’t just a cat, he was your furbaby. One of the hardest decisions I ever had to make was putting down my very ill Angel. It was heartbreaking but I take comfort in the fact that I was there to hold her in her last moments. You’re in my thoughts.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
This happened to our cat too, in our front yard. Sending you many prayers.
Your American cookie cat is for sure my Canadian Charlie cat’s bro!!!!!! so cuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!
Warm hugs from Ventura, Mary Ann. I know the loss. We had two chocolate labs and the last one left us last August. Toast was 13 and Coffee was 14-1/2. They had good lives and were the sweetest, happiest boys you could ever imagine. My heart breaks for you. Remember the sweet times….I know there are too many to even count.
Hugs. He is in a happy place, forever in your heart
I am so very sorry to read of your loss. You and Buck will be in my thoughts. I am glad he was in your arms at the very end. Thank you for sharing with us all.
What a dreadful thing to happen. I am so sorry to hear your sad news.
Hugs from Pauline xxxx
Oh Mary Ann, I am in tears. So dreadfully sorry about Buck. What a tragic story. We all loved Buck, you know that. No one loved him better than you did. We will all miss him. Thankfully, you have so many wonderful photos to go along with the memories. Sending you hugs and healing energy. Maybe Buck can run and play with my little Bognor doggie in Pet Heaven, where all the animals love one another.
omg!! i am so so so sorry! losing a family member is awful enough without it having to be in that way. my thoughts and prayers are with you.
this is just awful!! I am sooo sorry for your loss, but along with that, it distresses me terribly because it was a tragic, senseless, and unnecessary thing to have happen.
I am so sorry for your loss! He had the sweetest laid back look about him.
Oh my gosh – my heart goes out to Mary Ann. I couldn’t even imagine witnessing what you did. It breaks my heart!I will miss “seeing” him as he seems like one of the family. A big hug to you!
Oh, Mary Ann, my heart is breaking for you. Sending you love and a big cyber hug today.
This is HORRIFYING. I can’t express to you how sorry I am. When I first read your words “Buck Moss has left the building” I thought, “Oh, poor Mary Ann, Buck must have passed away,” thinking of his age and all. But to have gone like that… I CANNOT imagine. Please, please try to inundate your brain with all the wonderful memories in effort to at least attempt to distance those awful few last moments. There is nothing I can say to make any of this better, but know that as a stranger and fellow animal lover, I weep for you.
And as a pitbull owner (though mine is only half and the most submissive thing without an aggressive bone in her body, and who is actually afraid of cats), I am sorry. It’s not the breed, but, as you say, bad owners. I am so, SO sorry. xo
I’m so so very sorry for you and your loss. My heart goes out to you. I am sending you healing vibes. Take Care
Oh, this is so sad, Mary Ann. I am so sorry about Buck. So, so sorry…
I am so very sorry for your loss of Buck. He was a wonderful friend and pet. Thankfully you have very happy memories and photos that will help to fill such a huge void. Blessings…
Mary Ann, I was so sorry to read about your beloved Buck. I’m so sad that you lost him, and even sadder that you had to see it happen. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that you gave him a wonderful, loving home and that you made him a happy kitty when he was with you. Huge hugs to you —
oh, Mary Ann. Thank you for sharing Buck and the Posse with us. I am so sorry you both had to experience his end in that way. Hugs and love to all of you in Moss Cottage.
I am so very sorry for your loss of a wonderful companion and good friend. And all the sorrier for the way of his passing.My heart goes out to you.
i am in shock. big, bear hug coming your way. we’ll all miss buck moss.
and. what were two pit bulls doing unleashed? those poor dogs have such a bad rap for this very reason. irresponsible owners. unforgiveable. not that this will make you feel any better, but the owners need to be slapped with a fine. a. very. big. fine.
sending you hugs and healing my friend.
I am thinking of you and your Angel Buck
I am thankful for the joy and company you both gave to each other
please keep him in your garden…
lovely sweet you queen Mary Ann
big hugs
I’m so sorry about the loss of your dear, beloved cat. That is heartbreaking. He was obviously one very blessed cat to have had you for a Mommy.
MY heart aches for you and for what you had to witness and what Mr. Buck had to endure. Sending you big hugs and kudos for your compassion for the animals. I truly wish the owners of these dogs would have some consequences for allowing their pets to roam the neighborhood.
Ohh I am SO sorry to hear about Buck… that is so horrible to see your lovely pet killed that way, I am just crying as I type this to you… My heart and soul reaches out to hug you in your loss Mary Ann. At least his last moment was with you but I know that is small consolation. I am sure he knew he was loved.
Mary Ann, I am so very, very sorry.
Hugs to you,
I am so sad to hear of the loss of your beautiful boy. my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Oh my God! I am SO sorry to read this. What a horror for you to witness and Buck to experience. Rest in peace, Buck. Prayers to you, Mary Ann. :'(
Oh gosh Mary Ann, that just makes me sick! I know how much you loved him, I have read about him over the years and it is obvious, so sorry you had to go thru such a hard goodbye! hugs! karen…
This was so painful to read, Mary Ann. For those of us who have just adored Buck and all of his I-own-this-world-and-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it antics, we are all adding our tears to yours. Thank you for sharing his life with us as he was such a character who knew how to put big grins on all of our faces, over and over again. My heart goes out to you. Xo, Sue
Although I do not personally know you, I have followed your blog for a while now and have loved the pics of Buck. Thank you for sharing. I am so, so sorry about your loss – my heart goes out to you – sending you loads and loads of strength and sparkles of love.
Oh Mary Ann, I thought you would be writing he had gone to a pet sitter! Not this. 🙁 Aw, honey, how awful to witness such a thing. Buthe was one loved boy- who knew it. He can flaunt his LA life to my Sebastian over there across that bridge. Hugs.
So, so sorry for your loss.
Mary Ann I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I look forward to being greeted by my five cats and dog at the end of the work day and know the pain of losing the unconditional love provided by these sweet animals entrusted to our care. Our pets bring us so much joy, my heart goes out to you.
I am so, so sorry to read about Buck Moss. He was a beauty. My heart goes out to you.
So very sorry, Mary Ann. Heartfelt sympathies to you and the posse. What a blessing he was to you–and you to him.
so very,very sorry. This happened to my cat Dinsmore….after almost 30
years I still flashback on it. Glad you were holding Buck when he passed. Again many condolences and ether ‘hugs’ going out to you.
missy from the bayou
So sorry for your loss Mary Ann, I know he was well loved.
So sorry for your loss Mary Ann, I know he was well loved.
So sorry for your loss Mary Ann, I know he was well loved.
i am so so sad for your horrifying loss. what a fine life he had with you and his compadres, and how you ‘ll miss him…
This is a loss for all of us who enjoy your blog, and have enjoyed all the photos of buck in various poses around the cottage.
He led a good life. Hugs to you.
My heart is just breaking for you. I’m so, so sorry…big hugs for you.
Tears and prayers for your loss. I am so deeply sorry.
I grieve with you. So glad you were able to be with him as he left. I am sure that was a comfort to him. He will stay with you in kitty spirit. Are you going to get the dog’s owners to pay damages? I sure hope so!
I’m so very sorry. Thinking of you and sweet, dear Buck. <3
OMG. I am sooooo sorry. This made me cry, as I can’t even imagine going through that. Please know that you will be thought of all day today and many hugs for you.
Mary Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Hey Mary Ann, I am very sorry you had to go through such trauma. I imagine you’ve already reported it to whomever looks after these things. Dogs that kill another animal like that are only a hair’s breath away from attacking a person and someone needs to be held responsible. In most cases, it’s not bad dogs, but bad owners.
Sending you *hugs* and keeping you in my thoughts.
Oh, Mary Ann … I’m so sorry to hear about Buck’s passing. What a horrible thing to happen to such a sweet and loving fur baby and how horrible for you to witness the attack. May you find peace in all the wonderful memories you have of your precious Buck. Take care of yourself.
Mary Ann, I am so sorry for what you have been through. I can relate as we lost our cat, Beverly,
to a coyote a few years ago. Our daughter found her and it was something never to be forgotten.
It is hard to think of people not watching and keeping their dogs from harming others! Please know
my deepest sympathy with lots of hugs are sent your way. Remember the happy memories with Buck and
I feel he and all our past cats are at that “Rainbow Bridge”, playing happily with each other.
I will miss those wonderful updates on that sweet Buck Moss.
I’m so sorry.
mary ann, so sorry for your loss, he will be missed. sending you big hugs.
Sending you our love. What a terrible passing. I only hope my very old Roy Boy will pass peacefully in his sleep.
I’m more sorry than I can say Mary Ann ~ we are thinking about you, deeply, lovingly, sincerely.
In tears, I empathize. We lost our dear papillion, Gloria, in the same way. She died in my husband’s arms. It is so hard when sweet family members are ripped from us so brutally. My heart is with you.
I can’t even begin to say how terrible and sad this is. It’s hard enough when we lose our beloved pets to old age, but to have such a tragic end. I hope you will hold the owners of these dogs accountable.
Really sorry to hear about your adored Buck – lots of hugs.
Jan in UK
Oh Mary Ann….I am so sorry….I sat here crying reading your post…..I can’t imagine losing my cat, Houston like that. Why were those dogs on the loose!! So sad…..
Am so, so sorry for your loss Mary Ann. I have loved seeing Buck Moss and others in your videos. After taking your classes, I feel I have really gotten to know them. Warm thoughts are coming your way from Pennsylvania.
My heart is breaking for you Mary Ann….huge hugs and kind thoughts headed your way. So glad you were with him at the end to comfort him.
Oh Mary Ann,
I am so sorry to hear about Buck. You must be devastated! We have all come to know and love Buck through the videos in your classes. I’ve even told my cat loving friends about your dear Buck. My sweet Midnight died in my arms too, but of old age, not a neighborhood brawl. Those mean dogs – how could they do that to your precious kitty? He’s at peace now, in kitty heaven, pulling on pieces of waxed twine to his hearts content.
what a sad story, I am so so sorry for you. xxxxxx
I am deeply saddened by your loss. I always enjoyed your Buck posts and felt bonded to him through them. He had such personality it just shone through your pictures and videos. I am so, so sorry and am crying along with my dear. Take time for yourself. Love to you.
Oh, Mary Ann! I am so sorry for the loss of your good friend, Buck. I’m glad that you had each other in your lives and know that you will just miss him always. Many hugs through cyberspace — Karyl
Oh I am SO SORRY. I’m crying just thinking about this, and I never met you or your kitty. God Bless.
Mary Ann, my darling. How my heart aches for you. I know how hard it is; I really do. Take comfort in knowing Buck had the best life possible in your care. He will never be forgotten.
I offer my deepest sympathies. Buck was a beauty and I will miss the posts that included him. I guess he can hang with elvis now in heaven because they are both cool cats!! so sorry Diane
Oh I am so sad and sorry for you. So very sorry. My cat bit me like you said when she passed. Sigh. Sad times.
This makes me cry- I had a cat pass the same way when I was 8 and I too watched and tried to stop it. Sorry seems so inadequate right now. Not only am I sad that a beautiful spirit has left this world, I am outraged that people can be so irresponsible with their pets.
It’s early morning, and I just woke up to find this so sad news … I am in tears …
You are such a sweet lady, Mary Ann, to have given Buck and the rest of your precious posse such wonderfully happy lives. Buck was so loved by you, and your constant love drenched his life in contentment, like the warm sunshine he felt in one of his happy afternoon catnaps on your sunny patio. He knew how much you loved him, and he lived in that love. What a blessing that he had you there in the end to comfort him. I’m sure that being in your arms meant the world to him, and calmed him down so he could go in peace, feeling so loved.
He had such a long life … but much more special, a WONDERFUL life because of you, Mary Ann. You are one of the great ones who make this world and all of our lives a better place.
I’m sure Buck is purring right now in Kitty Heaven, as he sits and thinks of you, thankful for all the love, care and happiness you gave him.
mary ann,
i’m so sorry!!! what an awful thing for you to see and endure…my sympathies…
So very sorry. Buck Moss was such a dear and handsome boy, a true patron of creativity and I’ll miss seeing him in your dispatches. He’ll be in your heart, always, and because of your blog, ours too. (hug)
Mary Ann, as the ‘mom’ of three cats I weep for you. What an awful end to such a beautiful boy and such a beautiful relationship. I am so sorry. The love in your heart for Buck will always be there. Cry all you need to.
Oh, Mary Ann…I am so terrilby sorry. I am sending you love and prayers and hugs.
…so so very sorry to hear the sad news about Buck. Sending healing energy your way.
I am so sorry dear Mary Ann. What a horrible loss! I hope all his memories will bring you much comfort! Sending big hugs dear!! May your heart find peace. xo
Oh Mary Ann, My heart is broken – I’m so sorry Buck is gone. I’m crying here in NY reading you entry. We all enjoyed seeing him in the videos and will miss him too. darla
here i sit with tears in my eyes. i am so sorry for you and buck too.
Such a terrible news! So sorry to hear this. Sending you big hugs.
So very sorry. Prayers being said that thoughts of this terrible experience will be replaced by happier memories and that time will heal your heart.
I have tears in my eyes for you and Buck. I am so very sorry and wish I could give you a hug. My thoughts and prayers are with you. So sad.
I am so sorry for your great loss….
He was a star. We will all miss him. My heart breaks for you and his siblings.
oh mary ann, so so sorry. adding my sorrow and tears for you. prayers sent.
I am VERY sorry for your loss. This made me cry- I know that our pets become family and my heart breaks for you. Many comforting hugs and healing thoughts to you and yours.
heartfelt condolences mary ann, he will be missed. loss of a loved one is rough, know you are loved & prayed for. 🙂
Oh Mary Ann — I am sitting here at work crying as I read this… I am so, so sorry. There are no words to tell you how sorry I am.
Oh No. Sweet, cool Bucky. I’m crying for you both. How horrible. I’m so very, very sorry. I’m sending you big hugs Mary Ann.
I’m terribly sorry to read this. Losing a pet can be agonizing enough — having to witness such an attack makes it a thousand times worse. Very sad.
Mary Ann, I am so sorry for the loss of Buck. It is good that you have so many good memories of him. As a cat household I can sincerely understand the pain. We have lost many cats over the years. I know he was a big part of your life. Now he will be a HUGE part of your memories. Glad you have so many visual reminders. We all care so much about you MAM and pray you will have some ease in your heart. Bless you XXXXOOOOXXXX
Terrible terrible terrible. So very sorry about your heartbreaking loss!
So so sorry Mary Ann.
Sending you a super big hugs across the many miles from the other side of the planet. We will all miss your sweet boy. xxox
So sorry for your loss, Mary Ann. 🙁
What a terrible way to loose your cat. I’m so sorry for you and my heart goes out to you.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading! What a horrible thing to happen to Buck. I am so sorry. Sending you great big hugs.
So sorry Mary Ann
No! Not Buck. I cannot believe it, MA. I loved him so dearly as I told you earlier this summer – he was the twin of my Beeberman. I am literally in shock, right along with you. I am so so sorry, kiddo. I am absolutely sick about this. If I was closer to you, I would come right over and sit silently next to you and hold your hand. Imagine me there. Bless. xxoo
Oh that made me cry – so sad for you. Our pets are so close to us. My thoughts to you.
Mary Ann, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you. I could not bare the thought of losing my beloved dog, Ollie. So so sorry.
I am so sorry to read of your loss of your beloved Buck. I always enjoyed seeing his picture and reading stories of his adventures. He looks like a brother to my kitty, Bella. To lose him is heartbreaking, to lose him so tragically is beyond words. May you find peace with your memories of him and be supported by the hugs from the rest of the posse.
Sending love and comfort your way from afar. You give so generously of yourself on this blog and in your classes; I don’t say much, but I am here, and I feel for you.
I’m so sorry Mary Ann. I’m currently trying to treat my Yorkie who is 9 yrs. old almost 10 and has Cushings Syndrome and Diabetes. It’s costly and a lot of time but he’s like one of our family. I hate that you had to witness that.
Oh I am so sorry to hear about this tragic event. I am holding you both in my heart tomight.
Oh God, Mary Ann! I am so, so sorry. I lost a beloved cat (Frobisher) to a couple of prowling dogs several years ago. I still occasionally smart from the experience. My heart goes out to you. Like Janied, I too like to think that there is indeed a Rainbow Bridge where our friends go and romp and play eternally. It is such a lovely and comforting thought.
Mary Ann, I’m so sorry for the loss of Buck. Sending hugs from afar.
Oh, I am so sad for you Mary Ann. How much I will miss sweet Buck sleeping at my back and waiting for me to brush his luscious fur. Sad because he was not allowed to go gentle into that dark night. The love between you two was tangible and will go to a soft place between your heart and your mind. xoooxx
This made me cry (and I don’ t cry easily)…love your blog, love reading about your beloved cats, and though I don’t really know you, I feel like I do. Sending my best thoughts, and I hope all the great memories you have of Buck will help heal your heart.
gentle readers
i am so so so so so comforted by all of your comments
its the reason i posted so soon after losing buck
i needed to hear all of these kind & loving well wishes from across the globe
your thoughts mean more than you know
i feel bouyed up by your sweetness.
the community that has grown up around Dispatch
is a warm balm tonight.
i bow to your generosity.
thank you.
each and every one.
even the ones who dont comment.
i can feel your presence too.
all of you.
buck moss is honored by your words.
oh sweetest Mary Ann I am so very sorry. I don’t know what to say other than that I understand and my heart is wrenching in all the wrong places for someone so very special and Buck too. Keeping you in my thoughts and will do so for a long time.
There are no words to express my sadness for you.
I’m so so sorry to hear about Buck. I felt like I knew him from seeing his handsome face on your blog. You were a loving parent to Buck, and he was lucky to have spent his life at Moss Cottage.
Oh no! I am soooo sorry to hear this! It’s always so hard…Big hugs and ear scratches to the posse…
Mary Ann, I am so sorry to read about this tragic news. I have tears and my heart aches for you. Buck was a beauty and very lucky to have you love him till his untimely and sad end. Big hugs and much love to you at this sad time.
oh my goodness, i am SO sorry for your loss. As a dog lover (i’m allergic to cats), there is NOTHING i hate more than ignorant and irresponsible dog owners. big huge hugs!
I am so sorry for your loss. Much sympathy to you and the rest of the cat posse.
I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Buck. Take comfort in the fact that he was the bestest cat in the universe. Rest in peace, dear Buck!
Oh, this just hurts to even read it. I’m sitting here crying. How sad and horrific. What a tragic loss. Prayers are with you.
so sorry for your loss. what a sweet sweet kitty.
I am so sad for you. tears are flowing. Just not fair!
I feel so bad Mary Ann, you are such a beautiful person. My heart is with you, I’ve gotten to love Buck too!
My heart is with you, Mary Ann…I’m so sorry to hear of this tragedy. You gave Buck Moss a very good life & I’m hoping our sweet Sophie Cat is waiting for him on the other side. Hug the rest of your posse for all of us. Rest in Peace, Buck Moss.
No words for the agony and the sorrow. my heart bleeds with yours…
Oh Mary Ann I am so very sorry! I wish I could hug you right now!!! My heart is breaking for you. Buck looks exactly like my cat Izzy and I’ll be thinking of Buck everytime I see him.
This sad news made me burst into tears. I too lost a dear friend by animal attack….mine by a coyote.. Right in front of my eyes. I got a hank of coyote hair as I tried to save her… but the coyote got my darling Rosie. I never saw her again. My heart is with achingly you and precious Buck.
I’m so sorry ! Life shouldn’t end that way!
OMG Mary Ann I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. I wish I knew what to say to make it better. My heart is breaking for you. Big hugs to you. I will remember you both in my prayers.
Rest in peace, sweet Buck Moss. We’ll remember you as a ladies man, and a star of blog and screen. Ginger and I both send you lots of hugs, Mary Ann. I am so sorry.
I’m so very sorry for your loss.
My heart aches so bad I can’t stand it! So very, very sorry, Mary Ann. Tears. and love to you.
oh mary ann, i am so sorry. xoxoxo
Oh, I am so sorry. There’s really nothing else to say. Sad.
What a beautiful life he had with you, letting you live with him for all these years. We had to let our Abby go a week ago last Thursday. Minky the craft cat now has me as his new best friend. I don’t mind. They are together in cat heaven. Love to you, N.
Oh My God. I am in tears. To know he passed is sad, to have it happen this way is catastrophic. I send you my ebbing strengh to cope. These tragedies are becoming too common.
Oh . . . no. . .
I am so sorry, Mary Ann. So. very. sorry.
If it is any consolation, I do believe there is a Rainbow Bridge and that all of our beloved fur babie go there immediately, perfectly healthy, happy and restored. And they occupy themselves happily (chasing butterflies and other kitties) until the day we get to be reunited.
Sending you much love . . .
Mary Ann ,
Sending lots of hugs for Mr Bucks .. I know how you feel … our little pussycat boys are gone to pussycat heaven ..
maybe they will meet up and hang out … love and lots of love from Janie xooxoxo
oh my beloved Pancho I am crying for your loss. Please don’t think his last moments were that bad; from survivors of maulings (humans that is) we learn that you feel nothing at the time and all is instinct and flight. But I am so sorry he is gone. I know how you loved your boy and how sad you are and I can hardly bear that.
Ride over tonight and I’ll make you something stiff and sweet and we will sing sad Mexican boleros until the sun comes up.
Oh Mary Ann! I have a catch in my throat after reading this…I am so very sorry! Sending gentle hugs your way!
i’m so so, sorry for the loss of mr. buck. my kitties and i send you long distance snuggles tonight
Mary Ann,
I am so terribly sorry that poor little Buck is gone and that his last few minutes for both of you were so tragic. I recently had to say goodbye to our diabetic Min Pin of 15 years and I can feel your pain. My prayers are with you – may you draw comfort from the wonderful memories the two of you shared.
Hearts are breaking and tears flow with yours. You have let us share in the joy of your beautiful friend so it is only fitting we join you in your loss. I wish I could hug you in person. You are in my thoughts.
I feel sooo bad, what a horrible thing to happen, and even worse to witness. My thoughts are with you.
Ugh. Gut wrenching. I went and hugged my cat for you. Love to you and your other fur people.
Sending loving hugs…what a great friend you had that will fill you with sweet memories. Xoxo deb
Dear Mary Ann,
You were so sweet to share Buck Moss with us and I know we all join with you in missing him. Let us take a little of the burden of your sorrow and let our hearts bear some of your hurt. Buck Moss was one cool cat!
Oh, Mary Ann, my heart is broken for you. I have no words, but I will keep you, and him, in my heart and my thoughts.
Take care of yourself, Nancy
Mary Ann I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a cat person, too, and I know a bit about what you are feeling. Shame on people who don’t corral their dangerous dogs!
I’ll miss Buck Moss and I didn’t even know him personally.
Oh Mary Ann, what a terrible thing to have witnessed. I’m so very sorry. Sending you so much sympathy from my little home in Australia.
Dearest Mary Ann, so sorry for you on hearing about the lovely Buck. Condolences to you and big smoochies to the rest of the Moss household.
Oh my gosh, Mary Ann, my heart goes out to you. Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. I feel your pain and hope that all the love and memories you had for Buck Moss will carry you through these bad times.
OMG! That is so horrible. I am so deeply sorry for both of you!! In our family when a beloved pet (and they have all been well loved) passes we think about our other pets who have gone before. We imagine that the newest one is greeted by the rest and are off romping together. If you dont have any other pets to meet Buck, I will send mine to greet and romp away with him. My heart is sending you and Buck big hugs. Much care to you. Thank you for telling us.
Oh no no no no – I am an avid dog lover but personally I think all pit bulls should be castrated – the breed is os beyond hope after all of these sick and selfish people and have breed dogs that mame and kill – I am soo soo sorry to hear this and it breaks my heart for you – sending you love much love and comfort – Gina
I’m so sorry. Our pets are special members of our family and we feel their loss so deeply, I am so sad for your family. Buck will live in your hearts forever.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Best Wishes.
I am so very sorry for your loss.Rest in peace dear beloved Buck moss.You were loved.
Dear Mary Ann, I am so sorry, and so moved that you could share him with us today. Take care, and know that your tribe of craft monkeys loves you.
Complete and deepest sympathy, MA. I am so terribly sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and the rest of the cat crew.
Oh Mary Ann, I am so sorry. This brought tears to my eyes and I had to run out and hug my kitty. I wish I could run out and give you and the cat posse a hug as well. Please know you are all in my thoughts tonight.
I am deeply sorry for this horrible loss.
Big hug from here.
Mary Ann, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I’ve had a friend loose two dogs within a month of each other too. Deep losses. I will hug my two kitties tight tonight and think of you. At least you were there for him at the end. It makes me very sad and brings tears to my eyes to think of your loss.
Mary Ann I am so very sorry and there is nothing right now that can take away the pain and loss. But in the quiet moments remember that his life was well lived, well loved, well fed, with butterflies to chase, Moss cottage to patrol, and many a nap inside the sunlight.
And Thank you Mary Ann for sharing Buck Moss and the rest of the posse with us. I like many others have loved reading about all of them.
Prayers and Tears for You Both
Sorry for your loss. Our pets do really become part of the family, don’t they?
I’m tearing up reading this post. I’m so sorry this has happened to you and Buck. What a love he was. Peace and healing thoughts your way :(((((
Oh… I’m just so very sorry for your loss Mary Ann. Sending healing and hugs your way!
I am so sorry to hear what happened to your beloved cat! He was a beauty! I had a calico too that I lost last year. She was the same age as Buck. RIP Buck! Sending you hugs tonight!
Oh oh…how horrid. I worry about my Cadie every night when she refuses to come in and I know the bushes behind our house are filled with brush wolves and coyotes and now I’m hearing a cougar. To have to watch something happen would be awful! So sorry for you.
Mary Ann .. I am so so sorry . I was in tears reading this and my heart goes out to you, Buck Moss and the rest of the kitty family. I am a huge animal lover ( we have 10 cats and 2 dogs) and dealing with their loss if one of the most painful things to go through. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts .
Oh, I am so, so sorry to hear this! What an awful thing to happen to beautiful Buck! He looks so much like my cat Boo, that he was my favorite of your kitties. I’m thinking of you and Buck tonight.
Oh my god, Mary Ann, I am so so sorry for your loss of Buck. What a wonderful companion he was to you.
Oh my god… I’m so sorry. Animals are our friends in a way no person can be – always accepting, always there. RIP, Buck Moss – you were well-loved.
That is one of the hardest things we have to go through, I’m so sorry for your loss.
Mary Ann, I just don’t know what to say. I’m totally stunned by this tragic occurrence. I cannot imagine what you are going through at this moment. I’m outraged at the owners of these dogs! This will take some time to contemplate. Please know that my thoughts are with you at this very, very awkward time. It’s just surreal.
oh, my goodness, i am so sorry! i am crying as i write this, my heart hurts for you! sending comfort and love to you! xoxox
I’m so terribly sorry about you poor dear kitty.
Mary Ann, I am so, so sorry to hear about Buck. What a terrible, painful shock this must have been. So awful, but amazing that you were there with him in those last moments. I lost a kitty as a child in a similar way, and I can still remember the pain of finding him. Again, so many sympathies to you and the rest.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss but know that he will live forever in your heart.
How awful and sad…… my condolences to you and the rest of the cat posse.
Mary Ann, My hearts just aches for you. I am SO VERY SORRY. As a great animal lover, I so understand that there is no hurt exactly like the loss of a dear pet. I’ll be thinking of you.
Oh, I’m so sorry. My heart just aches for you.
I’m so very very sorry.
I’m sure he had the comfort of your presence before he passed. And, I’m sure you conveyed to him how much he meant to your life and how much you loved him. Take care.
So saddened to read of this terrible event, Mary Ann. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your household.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
I am soo soo sorry. How awful. Prayers upward for you and your posse.
So sorry. Glad you have beautiful photos and memories.
Mary Ann, I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you and the rest of the posse.
Oh Mary Ann. I’m so sorry. How heartbreaking. I’m saying a prayer for him and for you.
Oh my, I am so very sorry. Nothing is worse than losing a pet especially in such a horrible manner. We lost a kitty just last week too. My thoughts go out to you.