cut. paste. hum. repeat. i am pressing pause on this day. oh yes i am!
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
Wasn’t today just perfect! I took a minute and went ahhhhhhhh.
Love your smash book!!!
I am loving your “SMASH” pages–so colorful and full of inspiration!! As I hang my head in shame, I must confess I ordered myself a SMASH journal back in April–haven’t done much with it but I’m a sucker for journals of all types. I never imagined I’d be making my own journal until FTB. I’m slower than molasses in January but I’ll get there–so far I’ve cut my vintage photo album apart and am collecting the pages for my signatures. I thought that sewing the signatures together would be hard but you make it look so easy in the videos that I am not nervous about it anymore!! Thank you for allowing me to push beyond what I thought were my limits!! You ROCK, Mary Ann!!
Cut + Paste = bliss! Ever since kindergarten, I’ve loved to find pretty images and glue them into books! How fun to find a grown-up way to play with scissors and glue! Your smash journal is looking very inspiring!
Definately perfect!!!
What a beautiful beautiful life you create round about yourself, Mary Ann.
You and your adorable posse!!
I’m coming over — 56′ here in San Francisco and so not fun….(but i too am having fun cutting and pasting). Have you seen World of Interiors magazine?
awesome. as always. why haven’t I told you how awesome you are? well, I’m telling you now Mary Ann! you are freaking awesome and a constant source of inspiration. I’m in inspiration overload taking the FTB class. It makes me want to quit my job and stay home and makes journals all day. And I love my job! So seriously, thank you for being you and for making the crazy good things you make…I can’t get enough! Have a creative, lovely day! xo natalea
I am loving your pages. Makes me want to rush right into my stash & make one 🙂
Okay, i probably asked this before, but where do you get the journal pages? I have tried Etsy and Ebay, but my search always yields old smutty girlie magazines. What do you use as search terms? You know me, got to lead me by my little chimpy fingers all the way. Thanks for the great class Mary Ann, has made my summer that much sweeter:)
Hey I like your new sugar bowl! Can you put some sugar cubes in there for me the next time I visit? I like sugar cubes from a Paris flea market sugar bowl.
I am really loving these pages. It just makes me want to get out all of those magazines and start cutting/tearing. Is this your Smash Book?
Well it is 100 degrees of Not So Perfect Heat here.
Thanks for your wnderful class, Full Tilt Boogie. I just finished another book.
Once again you’re inspiring me to go through my stash of images and use them.
PS – even here in the high desert it was only about 78º….isn’t this weather wonderful!
susan – it is around 7 x 10 id yes big!
Hey there. First time I have visited your blog…trying to figure things out. These are things you’ve found and collected that inspire you? Do you leave room to add to the journal …on specific pages like an art journal…or is it completed as you go? It is gorgeous!
Here in SC (on Wed) it was 96 earlier and oh so Humid.
I think I want to move now…
I love your blog it makes me smile!!! When I want cheering up I come here. Thanks!
This must be a fairly large book, no? How big? I have baskets of pages that I recently carefully carefully sorted.
Back into the baskets.
This is better.
Wow, I love that you’re working in your awesome (Smash) inspiration journal already! Love love love seeing the pages.
I am so loving your pages.