kitchen table hijinx.
once i began i saw that what i really wanted to do is make a pinterest collection. so i did. in my inspiration book. because as keen as i am on pinterest i can’t pick it up and thumb through it to see everything i’ve gathered together. can i?
it’s saturday. i’m living in the middle of a crazy beautiful mess of paper with birds flying back and forth. mmmmmm.
see that blue bird knickknack? mama moss gave that to me last time i was in kansas. i wrapped it in a sock and carried it home in my purse. it lived in every one of my childhood homes as far back as i can remember. now it’s on my kitchen sill. usually i face him out so he can look out the window.
if your inspiration books have an online home (blog or flickr) mention it in the comments so we can all fly over to flip through your pages!
Love it.
You can see some of my journals here:
Your post inspires me to go back to updating my idea books. I use ones from Borders that have the peel back clear pages that are ‘magnetic’ They haven’t seemed to ruin anything. My only downfall is that I haven’t divided them up into subjects so the 1/2 clothes, jewelry are mixed in with house ideas and fabrics. I think of pininterst as a sort of holding area for cute things and things I might buy.
Mary Ann,
Just posted some some of my Inspiration Books on my (postal and mail art blog. Gave you a shout-out on there too.
I love your blog!
Ooooh love looking at everyone’s inspiration files…..Here’s my “look book” file:
love the little blue birdie…I’m collecting like birds for totem toppers, so much fun!
Love this idea. Yeah I am on Pinerest, but I prefer Tumblr for art.
Ha! I just did a birdy journal page and couldn’t resist stenciling “Put a bird on it”
First, your story of remembering your blue bird in all of your childhood homes {and your sister’s note} really struck a sentimental-teary-eyed chord with me. I thought I won the lottery when my siblings, while cleaning out our family home, gave me the pink pig planter that sat on the kitchen windowsill for decades. It just screams “childhood memories” to me everytime I see it. Just the visual of you carefully carrying your blue bird back with you in a sock is so endearing.
I just joined Pinterest but do wonder after seeing your flickr link and the book you’ve started if I shouldn’t do a hard copy instead. Choices. Too many.
ooooo! bird love!!!!!
Nicole, your hone decor journal pages are BEAUTIFUL. Thanks for sharing.
I love this Mary Ann!
I keep a house inspiration book:
I love your books Mary Ann. I’m addicted to Pinterest. Here’s my page
sweet inspiration! i used to keep an idea book for fashion and home decor but it got lost in my many other journals/projects/etc. i think i shall dig it out from the bottom of the pile and get working on it again. spend a lazy sunday leafing through my favorite catalogs and magazines and take snippets to add to my dream house/wardrobe. 😉 here is a link to some pages i did last summer:
So funny I am reading your post as the bird farm outside is singing the sun to bed. The mockingbird parents are too-tootling, and the chick is still peeping, some scwark scwark scwark when my fat killer cat ploops down and looks skyward. My neighbors’ chickens are chuckling and the turkeys are goo-goo gobbling (yes, turkeys, I named the white one Christmas and the brown one Thanksgiving…they were not amused). Loving your stash/smash/cram collection book. Your little blue bird is too sweet, and it doesn’t look glued together — is it?. Unfortunately, nothing breakable remains from my childhood except my heart (but I glued it together again).
Love love love!! I have a binder somewhere at my parents house, that has all sorts of pictures of fashion from when I was in highschool. Remember those page protectors that had the black inserts? That’s what I used. And the binder was one of those denim covered ones, although mine was purple, and I doodled all over it.
Love love love…my Mom filled her journals like this, she loved the little spiral notebooks and would write and fill with snippets of her day. I can’t read them yet, she passed away in February, and it’s just too fresh. Dad boxed them all up and we have them in a safe spot for when the time comes.
I’m loving Pinterest though, I can thank *you* for that little addiction.
Here are my boards (and lots and lots of boards)
Hey here is the story of that blue bird… we bought it for mom for mothers day when we were living in South Carolina. We got it at Browns. Remember the place where we used to walk to get banana flips? I think it cost around $2.00. That was a lot of money when you only got a quarter a week for allowance. I’m pretty sure you and I and Dottie all pooled our resources to get it.