Did I mention that my sister is visiting for a few days?
We're just up to our usual tricks.
Oh and..enjoying my respite from cat herding…
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
Greetings Moss Cottage, You girls look so happy:):) Wishing you a wonderful vist cant wait to here what you did you both have an “impish” grin on your faces:) Have a great day,
Linda XOXO
I’ve been fostering 5 active kittens for the past few days and as adorable as they are, I’m EXHAUSTED! That video was just what I needed, thank you! 🙂
now I understand what the whooping and hollerin’ that was going on! It was you and sister having a time!!
What a Happy Valentine’s Day you two are having – just way too much fun:) I am LOVING the vid and sending it off for others to have a good belly laugh. First a cat posse now a round-up – you are Queen of all Things Feline!
Thanks for sharing the cat herding – I have tears running down my face! My husband’s comment: send me the link!
I can see you are having a great time with your sister!
Cute as can be. Loved the lint roller!
My sister and I share the gift of humor, like we’re mirrors of each other. She can reduce me to gut busting hysteria with one look or one word on the phone…neither of our DH’s “get it.” They think we’re scatterbrained nut cases…SO? As we’re reduced to more laughing. I’ve come home from a visit with her with my sides aching along with my face. Oh, boy. Such fun.
Hope you and sis have a grand time. Not traveling anywhere this visit? Or is this a Stay-cation? I know you’ll have fun no matter where you go.
No need to wish you both fun and frivolity. I can see you are already there.
I’ve watched that clip many times and I still fall out of my chair.
Have fun, you two!
Great times! LOL
Thanks for sharing…
Happy Valentine’s Day :]
I love the way and you and your sister are having a good belly laugh…they are hard to come by. It made me miss my sister!
You totally goofy women, you! I can see you are off to a very good start.
Oh man….hysterical. Both my husband and I are coming unglued over this cat herding business. We have definitely felt that way with our posse.
WOW! That’s is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. I sent it to my friend Deb, who lives in Cody, WY. I know she’s going to crack up! THanks Mary Ann!