A typical weekend at Moss Cottage. I did some of this…
While Buck mostly did this…
And the lizard Wyatt adopted as a pet was doing this…
In. My. Bed.
A typical weekend at Moss Cottage. I did some of this…
While Buck mostly did this…
And the lizard Wyatt adopted as a pet was doing this…
In. My. Bed.
Howdy, I'm Mary Ann Moss, the chimp at the helm of this ship. I've been blogging right here since 2007 and exploring the world & driving getaway cars since 1963.
Your posse has about as hard a life as mine……
your patio always looks like just the place i’d want to hang out, your cats look the fluffiest, your marmalade the sweet-tangiest, your journals full of mystery and exotic places…what a beautiful life you’ve created. every time i come here i feel a bit of it rubs off on me, sweet.
and surely buck the lizard is magic….
i’m with buck
Awe, look at Buck!?!? I adore this picture. I wanna come hang out at your place, looks divine 🙂
I recently found your blog and I love your artwork and photos. I actually did a little painting in my journal of one of your lemon photos. Hope you don’t mind!
Love Wyatt, he knows how to be comfy.
Oh man … I almost wept with joy to see your full posting of the Istanbul travel journal. It is amazing. I love how you mix everything up, so visually interesting. There’s more to see on a page then just a picture, and, lots to read. I know I’ll look at it many more times. Lovely!
May I ask, what neighborhood did you stay in?
Happy Day!
Buck just cracks me up!
Those Journal pages are gorgeous Mary Ann.
Um. In. Your. BED. ???? O.M.G. !!!!!
Ick. I hate lizards. Especially in the house. I love your wicker chairs, though. Where did you get them?
Those are mighty beautiful journal pages. I especially like the first one with the lines. Lines are good. They fill white space when I don’t want to write… sorta like Agnes Martin. Now that girl knew about lines.
Your pergola and patio are so beautiful. Tranquil. A place to relax and refuel after a hard day at school. But the lizard. Well, let’s just say I wouldn’t consider adoption.
Sounds like to need to have a talk with Wyatt about indoor and outdoor “toys”. We’ve been having that talk with our cat since he came to live with us (6 years) and he still hasn’t quite gotten it!
Hey, I’ve had a lizard in MY bed before!
I have to say your journal work is SO distinctively YOU, and I’ve been in the visual journaling scene since the World began. I LOVE gazing upon every creative U turn and hidden road that you take. Then I go to my journal and think: “okay, now what’s MY style?”….the true indicator of an inspiring teacher. You make me happy and want to be more……me.
Wyatt’s getting a little too bold–I think you need to have a talk with him and tell him he belongs on the patio with the kitty! Oh the patio–imagine how warm it must be, as I sit here looking at the snow out my window!!
I was looking over the amazing stencilry pics. That really started it all. You really do inspire folks. I really do owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You started me on my journey to become an artist. Thank you for being you!
Was the adopted lizard intact? (and what became of it?) When lizards were brought home by our cats in the past, they were often missing essential pieces – not just tail parts. It was remarkable (and gruesome) how long they could live in an incomplete state.
Your outdoor room is perfect.
As is your palette. It is so individual and so uniquely Mary Ann.
I LOVE Buck’s pic . . . looks so typical of our purring family members. As for Wyatt’s new friend, I think Wyatt needs to be a little more discriminating about who he brings to bed!
Looks like it was a perfect Saturday – from everyone’s perspective!
My kitty Socks also prefers that position while sleeping…