MaryAnn, thank you for the armchair adventure. I have enjoyed each post. The videos with sound really bring the place alive for me. You said your apartment was a bit shabby, but it seems cozy and the location looks very chic. Plus the riviting view. I look forward to your next adventure.
Cathy Gravessays
This is going to sound goofy but I love the pictures of the food (OK–I do love to eat!!) but it is one of those little details which really allows me to imagine myself traveling along with you and your sister!!! Which thanks to your postings, I am!!
Great montage of the city daily MaryAnn. I noticed the rice and potatoes on the plate of food. Do you remember that same combo in Lisbon? Strange to us to have 2 starches but normal to others, I suppose. I love chai glasses but drink too much tea to make them useful.
Ooooh…I am liking the wonderful colors of the biuldings and homes. Thanks for sharing your walk. It’s been pouring all day and thus twas a good day for a virtual stroll long distance.
MaryAnn, thank you for the armchair adventure. I have enjoyed each post. The videos with sound really bring the place alive for me. You said your apartment was a bit shabby, but it seems cozy and the location looks very chic. Plus the riviting view. I look forward to your next adventure.
This is going to sound goofy but I love the pictures of the food (OK–I do love to eat!!) but it is one of those little details which really allows me to imagine myself traveling along with you and your sister!!! Which thanks to your postings, I am!!
Oh, I remember rain. I think.
Thank you for making us feel like we succeeded in crawling into your suitcase.
I’m happy now.
Wonderful video, music, journaling and small adventures, indeed!
I see a rush on Mercan Dede CD’s at Amazon LOL!!!! Gorgeous music!
Great montage of the city daily MaryAnn. I noticed the rice and potatoes on the plate of food. Do you remember that same combo in Lisbon? Strange to us to have 2 starches but normal to others, I suppose. I love chai glasses but drink too much tea to make them useful.
Ooooh…I am liking the wonderful colors of the biuldings and homes. Thanks for sharing your walk. It’s been pouring all day and thus twas a good day for a virtual stroll long distance.