My sister and I at our house in Panama C.Z. circa 1972. We were too busy fighting to ever think about traveling to Istanbul. I was v.v. busy eating mangos off trees, running from wild boars, feeding coatimundis (I loved those little guys.), playing in the jungle, swimming in the deep blue sea, putting frog eggs in jars and watching tadpoles hatch. My sister was too busy kissing boys and riding in Chiva busses.
Funny what will prompt us to respond. I have been “lurking” around your blog for about a year…Smiling heart-filled at your craft- monkeys, for I too have “art-punks” and “art-squirrels”. Playing endlessly in my studio, inspired by your delicious images. Then as I was scrolling down, I felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity. I too was in the CZ in 1972. Army dad= Army brat. My house had those steps….My dad was stationed at Ft. Sherman but we lived in Ft. Gulick. I remember those DDT spray trucks, the size of the avocados in the trees across the street, bananas on trees in my own yard, three toed sloths and blue crab in the middle of the road. Wow. Have loads of fun in Istanbul.
Hello – I’m the Irish Twin my sister was talking about…this is neat to connect with folks who’ve lived in places we have! Do you remember poisonous frogs – frothy white around the head or iguanas running in the woods, Chasing the DDT spray trucks while playing hide-n-seek with your friends? LOL lots of cool memories and some not so cool from panama….substandard housing, the cool movie theater there (we went to see “The Frogs” with Ray Miland – now I feel “old”) lol. hope to hear more!
Great photo of the two of you, Mary Ann, but I had to write when I saw your comment about coatimundis – I just saw my first one last November in Tucson, he/she was amazing!
OMG…okay Mary Ann…the hairs are standing up on the back of my neck! My family was ALSO in the CZ in 1972…my dad was in the Army and we lived on Ft. Clayton and went to Curundu Junior HS…how about you? Where/when/what the heck were you all doing there? Please tell me…and I can’t wait to tell my sister…my Irish twin sister who is only 11 months older tham moi…right now we are both the big 5 0 😉
I recognise you in those little girls. Same lovely smiles.
So tell me, what was your first language? Someday perhaps you’ll write your life for us?
Y’all are SOOOOOO cute!! And you haven’t changed a bit! 🙂
Always happy to catch up with your life. Your posts always make me happy. You have inspired me to teach an art class to kids at the YMCA. Going to try teaching them to visually journal. Thanks for your posts – always a treat. – Molly
OMG! You two are so darn cute. Neither of you has changed much. So sweet..Both of you are wild and brave beyond compare, with your world travels. I look forward to seeing Istanbul through your eyes.
Love looking at ‘back when we were’ type photos…they are like having a window through time.I can’t wait to see your journal when it is bursting and full. I will be tagging along, just a few steps back and enjoying the ride through your thoughts and of course, your camera lens. HAVE an AMAZING adventure!!!!!!!!
Too cute! Love that you are close with Sis! Happy that the Moss Men will have a cool chick to take good care of everyone and everything while Mama is away. I would have offered if I didn’t have work, a bum shoulder, a family wedding….etc…etc…..Whooohoooo countdown begins! Have a great trip, Beth
You are sooooo funny…XOXOrly
Same smiles – how wonderful that some things don’t change
Adorable! You two are making up for it now.
What a great pic of the Sisters Moss!
A lot of things weren’t on the radar back then. I had a great love of tadpoles in my childhood as well…