Sunday in the city! The weight of the atmosphere is perfect. The temperature sublime. A perfect day for throwing a temper tantrum. Gah!
Don't look to these photos for clues. I didn't leave any evidence of my moody crime. Let's see if I can sum it up in 10 words or less. No wait. A cautionary tale would be best. Here: Do not lovingly layer cloth paper paint & shiny red duct tape into a drop-dead gorgeous travel journal then stitch it all up on the sewing machine. You. Can't. Sew. Through. Duct. Tape.
That's all I'm saying. You won't get another word out of me on the subject.
Spraying paint over stencils and masks in my old calendar book is making all of my former bitterness dissolve. I found some giant 1 inch holes to spray through. All is well in the universe, sewing shenanigans aside.
Go look at all of this PINK stuff on Parcel Post. Pay special attention to the Snow & Graham cards. Love those!
i’m loving every page of your old calendar book…gasping at the exquisite colors paired with your design magic.
As usual beautiful results…
You may find it a lot easier just to sew it by hand.
Hmmm…sounds like the perfect reason to buy a new toy, an industrial Pfaff sewing maching. 🙂 Goes through everything, even fingers…at high speeds!
Haven’t tried it but:
Tissue paper strips over the duct tape where you’ll stitch so it won’t drag (rips off easily when done, best way to sew on oilcloth)OR a teflon-coated pressure foot
teflon coated sewing machine needles.
Note: Cloth-like gaffers tape looks cool, comes in lots of colors but it too is VERY NASTY with that gummy-gluey backing.
These pages are amazingly beautiful. I love the simplicity and clean colors.
I just love that you are so excited about your 1″ GIGANTIC circles! I’m totally with you on that. Coolness!
don’t feel badly….I was spray painting in a light and gentle breeze……one that I was sure would keep my extra paint “aloft” as they say….so why head back into house and get newspapers to spread about when Mother Nature was taking care of that for me? Long story short….I now have a hot pink patio deck with cool squares and circles where my table and chairs were……more troubling still…i did not notice this until much much (dare I say a full day) later…:)
Gorgeous pages….as always!