Catboy strikes again! Looks like I'll need a rain barrel with a lid.
Please note the water droplet on the thief's bottom lip. Here, you'll need a close up shot for that. Click on it for maximum cuteness, then click again. Not all of the members of the cat posse can do this. Just the ones with the gripper toes.
Lids would be good to avoid mosquitoes too. What a determined puss!
Look ma – it’s “ubercat”! I wish I had gripper toes.
he oughta be in pictures! oh he is…
your thief is beautiful, and guilty looking too! i visit here for interesting posts and also for your taste in music. i’ve discovered albums that are new to me thanks to your blog.
Is this Wyatt? I get the cats confused. Do tell us their names again, wouldya? Cats are the cleverest (?) animals we know!
Who needs opposable thumbs, I ask you?
This kitty is crazy cute! I don’t know what it is about cats and funky water, maybe they know something about tap water we don’t. Mary
Isn’t it funny how they prefer found drinking water over the water you put out for them? (Usually the more dicey the better.) Cutie patootie.
and not to mention navigating around thorny bougainvillia caneds, that in itself is quite the feat.
Ya know, my older bro’ taught his cat, Shade, to use the toilet … when Shade passed away and my bro’ eventually moved in Meema, he tried again, but she’s never gotten the ‘hang’ of it. I’m thinking now it has to do with the gripper toes — Shade had ’em, and Meema doesn’t. I’m off to email my brother immediately – mystery solved. Thank you. Thank you very much.
omg..too cute
I think you could use a rain barrel perhaps….?
Either he is doing this often or you were fortunate to be right there with the camera. Isn’t it wonderful (and maddening) how cats NEVER experience guilt. Which is suppose is why they don’t care if you are waving your arms/hands/newspaper and exclaiming “Get down!!” They look at you, shrug their cat shoulders and walk or jump indifferently away.
We could learn from that.
oh, so he rides into town loaded fer baar and when he gits thar e paks a wallop!
which i guess goes without saying.