My sister Dottie will spend a good part of her year- long sabbatical at a hermitage in the woods. She and a carload of her possessions arrived last week.
A whole year of mostly solitude in a simple cabin in the woods. In the middle of nowhere U.S.A.
With her own Walden’s Pond.
And leafy tree boughs for company.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
-Henry David Thoreau
A year of contemplation under a curtain of green.
Lately I am also contemplative. But my thoughts are not leading me down sunlit forest paths. My mind is cluttered. There is ringing in my ears.
If only I had not forgotten my stout pole.
Hi Mary Ann,
I have nominted you for a Brilliante Weblog award. Please go to my blog to see the rules.
I have told you before how much I love your blog so thought you deserved a little more recognition.
Wow. I’d like to pretend I’m not jealous, but I am! What a fab sister!
Mmmm… I keep coming back to look at the photos of that cabin and daydream about being there even for a week. What an amazing opportunity.
I hope your sister enjoys her stay, I’m sure she will. Thanks so much for the link to Fridaville, such a great blog. I too love to read and could spend my whole day doing just that, except I usually fall asleep while reading. LOL Oh and my mind is always cluttered, too much going on up there at one time….
Thanks Mary Ann! I did think nun right off but was confused by the Italy trip. I wish her the best.
Another amazing site you found for us here….what we could all do with contemplative time set aside.
I just watched a film that reminded me of you….La Misma Luna…I’d recommend if you have not yet seen this…
yes your stout pole was indeed over in Fridaville – can I borrow it for a while?
xox – eb.
THIS blog is a treasure to me. I miss LA.
I have about 10 questions about your sister but will restrain myself. I do wonder how one affords this. Must have savings 😉 First Italy and now this? Lucky dog!
Mary Ann, I’d like to hear more about your sister as time goes by. Meanwhile, if you go to my blog today, dear blogging friend, you will find that you have been given an award… I certainly appreciate what you do. Pat
Wow I would love to go do that sometime, someday, when I am older. I hope she got a lot out of the experience. I am sure it changes a person for the better. Love your rainbow glasses too. 🙂
Okay I am loving the little angel who is, sorey for what he did after lunch, peeking behind your book.
You’re right about the Fridaville blog. It is a treasure. Thanks for sharing.
Your link to it is not quite right though. I had to do a search.
And I’d be happy to lend you my stout pole, but only for a short time because I need it often.
Seriously, someone really and truly gets to do this? She’s living my dream… although I may not ever return to reality once I got a taste of that kind of solitude. I’m so stinkin’ jealous.