“I start in the middle of a sentence and move both directions at once.” – John Coltrane
This quote entered my mind at the exact millisecond that I attempted to begin this post. Okay, look, I’m excited. I drank a whole pot of coffee and thought I’d hit the spraypaint table outside to lay down a few new ideas jostling around up here in the brain stem. Then Michelle had to go and send me this cool link to this cool BLACK BUNNY of an artist Mark Traughber and then I had to accidently find HIS Etsy shop and wracked my brain picking out the one cool piece to grace my workshop walls. It wasn’t easy people. Please know all the bad words I am deleting from this post as fast as my foul mouthed fingers try and sneak them in. Oh why does everything have to compete for my attention at once!? REstraint Restraint. What? Huh? More coffee anyone? Where’s the bullhorn?
I’ll be posting pages of my sister’s visual journal in the days ahead. The mosaic up at the top is just a sneak preview of what’s heading down the digital pipeline. The show we were in at The Paper Studio in Tempe just wrapped up and RANDI , Carol, and I decided to swap journals instead of getting back our own. So for the next few weeks we’ll get to see each others books before ours land back in their rightful homes.
Looking at other people’s visual journals is a serious jolt of a good time.
Let’s see where was I…? (This 2 directions at once thing is fun!) So Robin, curator of the show sent me this stunning apron as a thank you for participating the last 3 years. Lisa Berg (no website) made me this apron after Robin sent her my blog link. She looked at my journals and came up with this design. Check out that big 5 appliqued on the front pocket. I’m wearing it right now and have no plans to remove it. It has pockets. That hold things. Lots of things.
Then I had finished the Etsy ordering and was just beginning to get back some semblance of ill-contructed order in the back closet of the brain when I went over to L2 DESIGN COLLECTIVE to investigate the origins of this Test Print Journal Robin sent me. One look at their Posters and that’s when the real calamity began. The rods and cones of my eyes are working overtime. The nueral pathways are plugged up with too much information. Graphic images are swirling to and fro.
I’m holding this delectable new purchase from Trader Joes responsible. Spirited and Lively? No kidding.
Oh thank goodness. The voice of reason. The Missus with a bouquet of flowers stuck to her fur.
p.s. HAMMERPRESS thank you card from Robin. How did she know I was their biggest fan?
just reading all this goodness has me hopped up on caffeine.
Can’t wait to see sister’s pages
getting journals back in the mail is like wayward children coming home. Mine returned Friday. What a brilliant idea on trading journals.
Typo queen sorry
Me too I was on a treamill reading frantically!!! Love the energy ehre, it exuded!!! Did you mix spray paint with the coffee?? Joking, hee hee.. My Dad always says when I wasa little girl I would say “Daddy I feel fast…” And I was onyl 4 years old… Major adreline there! Haaa!!! You are awesome! xxo
Great apron and that is one cool cat!
New book, Three Cups of Tea.
Phew! i feel like i’ve just been on a treadmill! i’m barely keeping up as i bookmark like mad all the cool things you show us. i think i need a “dispatch” folder to keep all of the links so when i need a jolt i can hop in there right after i come here.
Man! I have missed so much this past week! Look at ALL of this incredible work…I am inspired…AND all the links from this and past posts, woo hoo!
I think I recognize the under side of your table here 🙂
I am so excited to see these pictures! Talk about over load…I’m going a mile a minute trying to figure out what to do next! It’s a great feeling!