This wallpaper has a name. It’s called FRIDAY. Today is not Friday, but tomorrow is. Today is Thursday. Today was Open House at my school. That means that I didn’t get to do my requisite end-of-the-day doughnut in the parking lot then squeal my tires on the way out of the parking lot narrowly missing the ice cream truck and a balloon vendor. Nope. I left at 7pm. I listened patiently and enthusiastically to each and every parent. I hung on their every word. I even smiled and blinked while one giant walking bambino grabbed my lipstick off the kidney table and stuck the entire tube in her mouth. I froze and watched as the tip slid down her wet baby mouth and the edge of the lipstick grazed her giant baby tooth. I was not going in after it, but her mama didn’t hesitate. She reached in and extracted that tube in under 3 seconds, tapped down the roughed up part, rinsed the whole thing in the sink, then handed it back to me. I appreciate a gesture like that. Besides that lipstick is my favorite color and a little baby spit never hurt anything. Right?
Anyway those smiling daisies are going to be lining the inside of my brain tomorrow afternoon when I burn rubber out of the parking lot tomorrow, head east on Wilshire, north on Figueroa through downtown, then hop up on the freeway and buzz happily home. Not that I don’t love my little flock of lambs, but even a master herder like myself needs time away from the flock every 5 days or so. Plus I have to hightail it to the post office. The last of the these wallpaper tubes must be dispatched out. I have mailart explosions to report upon. Art to make. Mailart to revel in. New pens to try out. Doodles to be drawn. Shoes to be kicked off the feet. Brassieres to be shed. ¡Oh muchachos! I’m ready! Are you?
In the meantime…look what today has brought! Mailart from my sister. Válgame Dios! Raise your hand if you dig mailart on old book covers as much as I do.
Then these sweet little readers arrived. Oldies but goodies and just what the doctor ordered for struggling readers who need lots of word repetition. I’ll be copying these babies and wrapping the originals in a tidy little bundle to sit up on my bookshelf.
Hmmmm looks like Wagger and Giant Open House Baby have something in common.
Then this lovely old package arrived from India. This entire envelope will be stapled into my visual journal first chance I get. I wonder if all mail from India looks like it came from 60 years ago? Pure enchantment anyway you slice it.
I still have yards and yards of wallpaper on my rolls so I’ll be getting some more tubes ready to stampede your way. If you’re so inclined to order some – dash me off a comment or email. Details are in the last post.
I cannot believe my eyes; these are drop dead gorgeous!!!! Oh please can I have some?? And all the mailart on your blog has me absolutely drooling. Oh my god where have i been??
You are such a trip.
love your new “me” photo, I will now refer to you as …
reina del bandido de la pintura de aerosol
I always love your almost to the weekend posts. They make me excited about the weekend and everyday is the same old thing here. Well, maybe I do use a Saturday to justify more art time (more ME time) and Sunday is good for an extra long nap. hmm. I can’t wait to get that beautiful roll of papery goodness! You so totally rock!! (That was a reference to the sophisticated drama “Finding Nemo”. Maybe in 15 more years I’ll be able to see grown up movies.)
Love the blog- you crack me up every day, and I need that.
I’ve been meaning to comment for a while. I really enjoy your work. I haven’t made art since before Artfest, and your art really inspires me to get started again.
My husband ordered me a crystal from ebay once, and it came from India. It was wrapped in about a yard of gauzy cloth, with a gummed lick and stick label on the front, along with postage stamps. It was crazy. I tried to save it but…it was kinda gross. The crystal was great though!
Anyway, I have added your blog to my so I can keep looking at your arty goodness!