If you were here in this gleaming metropolis today cruising down, say the 101, or 110 freeway heading for somewhere…anywhere…and you decided to hang your head out the window like a doggy you would get your nostril hairs singed with a scorching dry blast of fire air. That means it was HOT. And not just hot. Windy. Scary windy. A hot dry wind. The kind of wind that makes my hair cyclone up in a great big ball above my head almost exactly like in my About photo. The kind of roaring wind that makes me reach for my Nerve Pills For Mood Disorders with a martini chaser.
Fortunately this lovely piece of MAILART from my girl RANDI found its way from the green pastures of Iowa all the way to this HOT barren asphalt jungle. Hot diggity dog! I’m only showing you the outside of the envelope today. Tomorrow the inside will be revealed in all of its MAILART glory. Get ready.
So far 2 of the ponies have made it to their destinations in record time. That bodes well for the other mailart as yet in ponie limbo. I’m posting the ones that made it along with another page from my visual journal up at the top. As you can see I wasn’t kidding about stapling the flea market photos onto every single piece of everything between now and kingdom come. I get fixated like that. That wee photo I cut out of a skull graffiti poster was spotted on the back of a street sign recently. I wonder if the young graffiti artists of LA have any clue that their great aunt Bertha is snapping photos left and right of their creations and pasting them in her journal. Gives one pause doesn’t it?
Found your blog through a recommendation from Randi (see above).
Wow. I love your pages!
Somehow, meandering down Blog Lane I came upon this amazing place.
I am of course now addicted. And no, there is no 12-step program that will cure me or stop me from coming here.
I love and respect the culture and heritage so apparent in your work.
Right on chica, right on!
Fifty-plus miles from L.A. now – but still feel it in my soul…my youth was spent visiting my Grandparents on E. 64th Street. They embraced the diversity – and I made sure to carry it on…
Hands MA a squeegie after Randi’s comment hehe I love the convo’s between you two..keeps me smiling! 😀 Pour a second martini..it’s one of those days! 😉 The mailart from Randi looks scrumptious! Tease hehe Love everything about this post! Keep it up!
If you so artfully cover up your address, how do you expect to receive surprise mail art????
Happy National Teacher Day! Hope no alien flying objects find their way up your nares while you’re hanging your head out your car window trying to singe your olfactory cilia.
Photos of grafitti to use in the journal – YES – me too! My family looks askance but some of my favorite photos from travel are of the grafitti. Those artists are geniuses and to think they do it on the run.
Your blog is sooooo kewl.
I love every thing about this post makes my brain spin just like your about photo. I will come back and look again once the vertigo settles down.
the inspiration and smiles i get from your blog…beyond words, really. the freedom in your art, the layering, the get-down funkiness – love it all and come back again and again to to look, to ‘disassemble’ it, as Theresa said. i’ve not gotten into mailart, yet, but i see it in my future.
your blog makes me go into blissful art overload. I can’t take it all in sometimes and have to keep coming back to look. disassembling what you’ve so carefully assembled.
What did you use for that black flow-ee thingy that covers half the black and white photo on Winter Graffiti? (second image)Is that a stamp or did you sketch it? And if it is a stamp where did you get it? The lines are so thin….love it. I just can’t get this picture out of my head with you on the freeway this morning with your head hanging out the window with drool flying back all over the back window.