My last day in San Miguel. Carol left a few minutes ago. In about 5 hours my shuttle will be coming to fetch me. The same hombre that picked up my sister is picking me up. He’s going to pick me up first so I can sit in the front seat and practice Spanish with him all the way to the airport. He eagerly agreed to this arrangement, but will probably regret it by the time he drops me off. No hay remedio. I must seize these opportunities when I can. Plus it will give me something to do instead of miss San Miguel de Allende. The missing always begin a few days BEFORE I stop walking around on these cobblestone streets, looking into the eyes of all these warm, beautiful people, walking under these lavander skies, feeling this hot delicious sun on my face, and dreaming deep into these cool Mexican nights. Yo salgo sabiendo regresare. Esta es la única manera que puedo hacerla.
Although, I have come at the busiest time of the year – Semana Santa – I have loved seeing the streets and restaurants filled with Mexicans from all over Mexico. San Miguel has a large ex-patriot community of Norte Americanos, but this is less apparent during Semana Santa.
This morning after breakfast Carol and I strolled through Benito Juarez park with it’s wide winding paths and tall trees. I could poke around this lush park for hours and watch the squawking, moaning egrets flapping their enormous wings and rustling through the trees. The sounds they make are haunting and ridiculous at the same time. Blooming trees and flowering vines fill the sky with blossoms of deep red, orange, yellow, pink, and of course that bright purple of the Jacaranda. Large dogs who can’t be bothered with leashes or owners gallop across the park chasing other dogs. The whole effect is wild and wonderous.
I share photos of many things on this my last day in Mexico: street scenes, religious pageantry from Good Friday and Holy Thursday, fellow students I especially liked from Spanish class, and of course the inimitable Alfredo. I’m deeply sorry for anyone who didn’t have the pleasure of 2 weeks of Spanish lessons with him.
Mary Ann,
I have spent the better part of my afternoon here in your archives soaking in San Miguel de Allende. Do you KNOW how long this has been on my list to spend time here??? I was there many MANY moons ago, but not as an adult. Greg and I said next year, fingers crossed. This and Oaxaca.
I know now where I can come back to get my fix until we make it there….
oh my, i have many of your posts to catch up on…..LOVE the door knockers. and the chickens rock. terrific tag-along pictorial. hope you made it home safe.