My brain is exploding with information. If you can translate these verb tenses I will have Music Man (who I spied sitting on a bench in el jardin this morning) travel by horse to your city to sing to you. Hablar, yo hablo, yo hable, yo hablaba, yo hablare, yo hablaria, yo hablara, que yo hable, hablado. My personal favorite is yo hablaba. See that burro in the photo above? That is my brain on Spanish. Which is why I needed not 1, but 2 drinks with lunch. Yes, I ordered them at the same time. Yes, they were good. No, I did not take pictures of the expression on the waiter’s face when I ordered them. Yes, they made me feel better. In fact I have no doubt that tomorrow yo hablare mas mejor.
See that fountain below? I will collect water from it and bring it back to Los Angeles with me. Then I will put it in a special little glass bottle and label it: La agua de San Miguel de Allende. And when I look at it I will smile. Memories belong in bottles don’t you think?
All of San Miguel de Allende is enveloped in a purple cloud because of these stunning Jacaranda trees in full bloom. The blossoms blanket the ground and splash this little town with the color purple. I pass them one by one on my way to Spanish class. It makes the uphill climb easier to manage.
The pictures are absolutely gorgeous! And the drinks look delish–doesn’t EVERYONE order 2 drinks for lunch?
. . . silly waiter . . . !
Oye! Practicas mi espanol con Maria Angelina Vela para diez minutos. Ella decir que no venamos a any places that are peligrosa. Dame un bano con agua de la paroquia. Andale! Con mucho gusto! see you saturday.
Hi Mary Ann,
Your pictures are gorgeous!! I thoroughly enjoyed your post–you are such a story teller! Those drinks looked yummy–too bad I wasn’t sitting across the table from you sipping one of my own!