i’ve written 1698 posts, received 29,053 comments, and the blog has received 2,970,665 views over the course of it’s digital life. shite! not blowing my own trombone, just throwing a few factoids out if you’re interested.
now i’m moving into a brand spanking new house. finally leaving typepad behind. i don’t have any major complaints really, when i’ve needed help they’ve provided it. but it’s not a robust enough service for me anymore. wordpress.org is much better suited to the kind of tinkering i like to do. so much can be customized via plugins. and for my online classes it’s been fantastic. allowing me to build my own sites, my own way, implement unique passwords for all users, and not have to follow anyone else’s rules. i finally found a stable & secure host, after moving twice due to a rash of hacking incidents. it only takes a couple of those before you realize that in the world of web hosting you really do get what you pay for.
wordpress comes in 2 flavors, dot org & dot com. dot org is what i have. it allows plugins and customizations that are virtually unlimited, but you need your own host. you are the master and commander of your website. if you don’t want the additional layer of complexity that comes with the flexibility of so many options, you get dot com. or squarespace. or typepad. or blogger. or other services. there are many! if you land on something that works well for you that’s all that is important. i’ve seen plenty of beautiful blogs & websites at all of the places mentioned above.
what does this picture have to do with any of this? nothing!
my new layout at wordpress is very pleasing to me. i looked for a very long time to find a theme that was minimalist with a lot of white space. found! i think it’s visually appealing without being busy. sometime next week, when you show up at my address, you’ll notice my new house. that’s all you have to do – no new website address to bookmark. dispatchfromla.com is all you need to find your way. every original post since 2007 will be over there, or should i say here since you don’t have to go anywhere to get there…er here. well except, for the 72 hours it takes for some of the DNS servers around the world to get the news after my domain is pointed at the new house. still with me? yeah. me neither!
if you subscribe via email, i’m pretty sure you’ll still get my posts, but if you stop receiving updates you can just come on over to DFLA and sign up again.
OLD CLASS MEMBERS: for those of you still active in the classes that are hosted on typepad, your access ends permanently on january 1, 2016. i’ve had notices up on all of those class blogs for over a year now, giving you an 18 month notice, so you’ve probably already seen them or read about it HERE. if at that time you think you still need access, you can buy an extension for 50% off current regular prices. do wait until january though because that’s more bang for your buck, so to speak.
CURRENT CLASS MEMBERS: if you paid for a 1 or 2 yr. membership in any of my classes in the last year and it’s nearing expiration and you need an extension for any reason, go to the class info page follow the link to your particular class, and find out how to do that.
over and out pilgrims. see you soon!
I love your blog and my daughter enrolled me for remains of the day for Mother’s Day 2015.
I tried to access it the other day and cannot figure out how to get to the class. I know my password but have not been able
To remember the name she used….HELP!
Thank you for your help in advance and for all your great blog posts. They cheer me up every day.
Hi Lynda,
New classes are located up top in the nav bar, and links to the old ones are also there after the jump. You’re either enrolled in the new or the old and your passwords will work on one of those class blogs. Let me know if you try all those links, your passwords, and still can’t get in the door. I’m here…
Who knew you were both artistic and techy? I’m with Judy H. It all makes my head explode too. I have a brand new printer sitting here on the floor since Jan., hate installing hardware. Something invariably goes haywire, I don’t know what to do to fix it. Glad you’ve got this all worked out so all I have to do is show up and have fun.
I opened my new blog on wordpress. It took me 3 weeks and a lot of reading….but I like it and the reason I moved was because it could expand well. You never know what is around the corner. Good Luck!
clapping, standing and waving wildly from the side lines. Go you Mary Ann. I have no doubt your new digs are going to be friggin, spectacular and awesome and will feel like home, kind of like Dorothy, click those heels together and ‘there’s no place like home’ I am sure dang glad you decided to start a blog, I know my world wouldn’t be nearly as bright without that shining star in the west to look to from time to time. Sending you smoke signals of glee. 😉
You are truly a woman of many talents! Congrats on the new digs.
Hats off to you and congrats! Can’t wait to see the new look.
Ugh – I’ve debated this very topic for what seems like years! I have the WordPress website via Bluehost…love it. BUT I’ve had a Blogger blog since 2008 which I tweaked and designed myself and love. I can’t bring myself to leave that particular look and make the leap. Maybe someday. Maybe someday soon? Your brave self inspires me – or lights a fire maybe? That would be nice. 😉
not bad at all =). And easy =)
Hats off to you! Technology makes my head explode. A friend and I are setting up a new website for our writers’ group on WordPress, as the older one was developing some tech problems and looking a little tired. Holy Cr@p, what a hassle. I can do a lot of tricks on the computer, but the nuts and bolts are often beyond my capabilities. Personally trying to sort out everything that got lost when I recently installed a new operating system on my own computer. Ugh.
Your blog always looks beautiful and I look forward to continuing with your brand-spanking new version shortly! 🙂
Wow, impressed like usual. You just do it all dear Mary Ann