i present you with the post-eclipse moon shown here at stage 12, which is the official end, "as the moon is completely free of the penumbral shadow."
i admit that trying to figure out manual settings the night before the blood moon is not the best way to get the best photos of said occurence.
nevertheless i am pleased with what i did manage to capture.
but let's start with the bloopers shall we?
this was around 3 a.m.
approximately 1 hour later…
i scrambled about changing settings on the fly. i was in an isoapertureshutterspeed super storm.
sure a tripod would have helped, but whatever.
the russet glow was even better through my astro binocs.
hi ho hi ho it's back to bed i go. then up a couple hours later. eclipse was over, but look at that magnificent hunter's moon!
i was rushing all over the front yard trying to get a clear shot.
oh wonderous thrilling life!
Thanks for sharing your great shots Mary Ann. They are wonderful. We had cloud cover in Brisbane sadly so l was very happy you shared. Thanks 🙂 Georgie
In our part of the world it was extremely hazy but I appreciate your time spent capturing those shots. Where did you get your energy, and did you sleep that night? Thanks again. Carrie
I went out around 5 am but the moon was behind the trees and I never could find it. *Sigh*
Thanks for the peek at what I missed.
In was up at 4:30 and was amazed by the moon. At 5 I was in my car for 50 mile round trip to the dog groomers. Cooper and Max were in the back seat staring through my “moon” roof at the moon.They were totally quiet which isn’t the norm. Have a great weekend moon lady.
i followed your links to read and learn more about bloodmoons but i loved your pictures best while i imagined you running all over the place trying not to stumble and holding the camera steady to get the best shots! well done!
Great pics! We had a great vantage point, didn’t we? It was AMAZING!
I must try that “digiscoping” thing Joan spoke of. Anyhoo, I hope all is well. Kiss the cat posse for me.
Great shots Mary Ann. Hubby got the camera and tripod set up the night before and took a few moon shots to check his settings. Wed. we both got up at 5 a.m. and it was total cloud cover here in Texas. He went back to bed and I went out on the porch with my coffee and scared the neighbor cat and he scared me…but he came back and sat beside me and we watched as the cloud cover rolled by and saw the Moon.. I sighed and Piewacket purred and all was good. Hubby did come out with camera later and got a few shots, but most were bloopers, then the moon set and the sun was up. So glad I got to see as much as I did. I think the viewing in L.A. was pretty awesome.
DUH…i must be living under a rock….totally Missed this one ………..
you didn’t so I got to see it anyway!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! Thank you…..
Just Love how you love this life!!!!! And I Love these shots…alot!!!!!
Peace and Beauty for you,
I got to see it first hand and it was stunning.
Off topic…I thought of you when I found Peter Rush….and thought you might enjoy looking at his work.
I’m so glad to see your photos–we didn’t see it and I was surprised that no photos were shown on the news the next morning.
Thank you for sharing your moon chasing antics. And for staying up in the wee hours to get it. I chose sleep instead but am enjoying all the other night owls offerings.
I went out in the back yard to get a glimpse of the blood moon (not too cloudy, maybe I could see it through the trees…)…and I couldn’t even find it in the sky. I expected it to be in the eastern sky at the time I was looking, but it must have been farther along and in the west…behind too many trees. Disappointment! 🙁 Glad to see that you got a great viewing and some pix! 🙂
Lovely! We have the good fortune of being in Spain just now so I completely missed out on seein the Blood Moon. The Hunters Moon over Barcelona last night was divine though. What kind of camera and lens are you using? These moon shots are stunning!
Great shots, Mam! I wouldn’t have seen it had you not shown/shared. And… I love how you love life.
Excellent shots!!
We were counting on the cat alarm to wake us up, which normally sounds at 3am, letting us know that a midnight snack is in order. Alas, the cat waited until 5am to speak of his hunger pains, so we saw just a bit of the shadow. Thanks for capturing what all three of us slept through, meow!
Thanks for staying up and getting pics. I was unable to stay awake
We were fogged in…so thank you extra for getting the shots I missed! Glad that someone got them.
Thank you for being our girl reporter on the spot, from the hills of Los Angeles, while I for one spent a more mundane night with a cold and NyQuil. I knew I coukd count on you. Thanks, dear friend.
thank you thank you thank you! It rained all night here so we didn,t even get a glimpse of the moon, let alone the eclipse. So thanks for being my eyes ! These are wondrous shots.
Ooooh, ahhhh! Great photos! My favourite is the one with the moon on fire surrounded by purple flowers.
(I see from the post above mine that there is another Cynthia living on the east coast, who knew?!)
I’m on the east coast and the moon appeared small but the sky was clear until very near the end when clouds moved in. So great to see the reddish color but missed the red ring around it. Thanks for having such diligence and thus sharing your amazing photos and fun bloopers. Wonder how you managed to change settings in the dark?
We had a massive thunder storm and heavy cloud cover during the entire event. So thank you late night, early morning camera siren for capturing the images for us all to see!! You truly did get some amazing and beautiful shots!!
Do you have a telescope? If you do, check into digiscoping! Birders do this with their cameras for getting great shots of birds…this would certainly work for moon shots. There’s an adapter for your specific camera to fit onto the scope! It’s magic.
I love the pixs and have this visual in my mind of you running around the Moss Cottage yard looking for THE shot. I slept very soundly for the first time in several nights…a welcome thing in my life.
Cool pics! ….After your previous post, I was talking over the fence with my neighbor about it. He asked if I was planning on setting my alarm to watch the blood moon. Nah, I’d rather sleep in and see what this great blogger (You!) would post in pics. Thanks. You didn’t disappoint!
Those are magnificent!! I especially like the ones where the moon decides to be a flame or a sheep or whatever shape it wants to be while it runs around your lens!! Thank you for doing the running around at such early hours of the morning so that the rest of us could sleep, knowing the event would be captured by our intrepid girl reporter with the much better camera!
Wonderous & thrilling indeed. Quite a night, and I had my new Celestron sky masters to spectate with…xox sharron